Book 4 (31-40)

第31集 學校圖書館 (School Library)

1. We are in the school library.


2. In the school library, they have books on the bookshelves, magazines on the magazine

   racks, newspapers.


3. Students can come to the library to read a book, read a magazine, or read the newspaper.


4. If student would like, they can also check out a book, and take it home to read.


 第32集 躲避球 (Dodgeball)

1. Good morning, My name is Jerry. 


2.  I’m here this morning to talk to you a little about dodgeball. 


3. Dodgeball is played with this ball. 


4. A dodgeball is smaller than a basketball. 


5. It’s a little smaller than a soccer ball. 


6. When you play dodgeball, you have two teams that are playing against each other. 


7. The object is to take the ball, throw at another team member, and hit them with it. 


8. Their job is to dodge the ball, to evade it, to not get hit by the ball when the other team throws it. 


9. In America, they play dodgeball in grade school, junior school and in high school. 


10. But by the time most students are in junior school or high school, the game gets a little violent. 


11. Girls may not want to play because the ball gets thrown very hard. 


12. It hurts. 


第33集 學校午餐 (School Lunch)

1. Hello!


2. We’re in the kitchen of Beidou Junior High, to show you what the kitchen here looks like and how they prepare their meals.


3. This school prepares 2500 meals for their students every day.


4. They serve a lot of students here.


5. T好的餐點會被放入像這樣的裝菜盤中。

6. They are then put on carts and taken to the classrooms.


7. The students eat in the classrooms.


8. This is all vegetarian food today because it’s Monday.


9. Monday in Taiwan is no meat day.


10. They have the same thing in the U.S. on Friday.


第34集 中式餐廳 (A Chinese-style Restaurant)

1. Today we’re at a Chinese-style restaurant.


2. As we look at the table, we can see the table is fully set.


3. There’re teacups, plates and also chopsticks and spoons, which are on the holders.


4. One of the first things we do when going to a restaurant is to get a table.


5. When you walk in a door, the staff will ask you a table for how many and you respond with the number of people you want.

   當你走進門時,工作人員將會問你要幾個人的餐桌,然後你回答你想要的 人數。

6. Then the staff will take you to the table, and you’ll be seated and you’ll get ready for yourordering process.


第35集 點餐 (Ordering Food)

1. As we can see, the customer is getting ready to order.


2. The staff will bring out  some complimentary tea and offer a menu for the customer  to look at.


3. The customer would then look at the menu and choose what kind of food they wanna order.


4. The staff will come back and take the customer’s order.


5. She’s writing down on the receipt so she can later come back to the receipt and make the calculations for the bill.


6. The staff then takes the menu back and the customer waits for their food.


第36集 付帳 (Paying the Bill)

1. After eating, we must pay the bill.


2. As we can see, this customer is finished eating so the owner of  the restaurant will present her with the bill.


3. After she calculates the count, the customer will pay the amount due.


4. The restaurant owner will then make change and hand back the cash, and then transaction iscomplete.


第37集 保健室 (Infirmary)

1. Hello. I’m in a medical facility at a school in Taiwan. 


2. Here in Taiwan, this is called the health center. 

   在台灣它被稱作”health center” (健康中心)。 

3. In the U.S., it would be called the infirmary or the nurse’s office. 

   在美國它被稱為”infirmary” (醫務室)或是”nurse office” (護士的辦公室) 

4. The responsibility of the nurse in this office is take care of injured students or students that have become ill. 


5. She can do that here in her office. 


6. If the situation is more serious than that and requires more help, she can call for assistance from the medical community or the police. 


第38集 騎腳踏車上學 (Riding a Bicycle to School)

1. Hello.I’d like to talk to about riding bicycles.


2. Most students in Taiwan ride bicycies to school.


3. Starts in first grade and goes to high school.


4. There are some safety rules that they must follow. 


5. When riding bikes, they have to wear a safety heimet.


6. Don’t ride double on the bicycie.


7. You can’t have someone riding on the back. That’s not safe.


8. The roads here are very busy.


9. You shouldn’t ride side by side.You would be talking.You might not be watching the road. Shouldn’t be using the cell phone.


10. Again the roads here are very busy.


11. When the students come to work in the morning,it’s rush hour time.


12. When they get out of school in the afternoon, again, it’s rush hour time.


13. The streets are terribly crowded with cars and terribly crowded with students on bicycles.


第39集 電腦教室 (Computer Lab)

1. We are in a computer lab.  


2. Some places call it a computer classroom.

   有些地方稱它為”computer classroom” (電腦教室)。 

3. In the U.S., it is called a computer lab.

   在美國它被稱作”computer lab” (電腦實驗室)。

4. All schools have these now.


5. It is where students learn to use a computer.


6. You can use a computer to search the web for information.


7. It’s a social network if you have Facebook.


8. You can Skype on it, which is teleconferencing.


9. You can also e-mail people on it.


10.Most people now, the younger people, would be lost without a computer.


第40集 借書 (Checking out Books)

1. When a student comes to the library to check out a book, they select the book. 


2. They take the book to the librarian. 


3. They give her their student ID card and she scans it to the computer. 


4. The then can keep the book for one week. 


5. If they wish to keep more than a week, they came back to the librarian, tell her, and she extends the book for one more week. 
