

單字 → 片語 → 子句 → 句子 → 段落 → 文章

一、單字(word): 單一的字 

          例:  every, morning, get, up

二、片語(phrase): 兩個字以上的字群,但是沒有完整的子句結構者

          例: every morning, get up

三、子句(clause): 字群含有主詞(S)和動詞(V)

          例: I think (that) Grace (S) gets up (V) at six every morning.

四、句子(sentence): 包含一個或一個以上的子句:

          例 S+V Grace is a good girl.

                S + V + 連 + S + V   

               Grace is a good girl, and Amy is, too.

詞類 (單字、片語、子句)課文講解

2.詞類 (單字、片語、子句)


1. 名詞 (n.) 例:desk, book, Taiwan

2. 代名詞 (pron.) 例:you, I, he

3. 形容詞 (adj.) 例:beautiful, short, nice

4. 動詞 (v.) 例:go, play, swim

5. 副詞 (adv.) 例:clearly, fast, happily

6. 介詞 (prep.) 例:on, in, of

7. 連接詞 (conj.) 例:and, but, if

8. 驚歎詞 (interj.) 例:oh, wow, gee

片語 (phrase) 的詞類:片語在句中所扮演的功用分為

1. 名詞片語 (n. phr.) 例:Going to bed early is good for your health.

2. 形容詞片語 (adj. phr.) 例:The man in a white jacket is my brother.

3. 副詞片語 (adv. phr.) 例:We go to school by bus.

子句 (clause) 的詞類:子句在句中所扮演的功用分為 :

1. 名詞子句 (n. cl.) 例:I don’t know where he lives.

2. 形容詞子句 (adj. cl.) 例:The boy (who is talking on the phone) is my student.

3. 副詞子句 (adv. cl.) 例: He didn’t go to school because he was sick.


3. 常用句型 .   五大基本句型

(1) S + V                      

(2) S + V + SC .                     

(3) S + V + O

(4) S + V + IO + DO                

(5) S + V + O + OC

(1) S + V

1. Birds fly.  2. I swim every day. 3. He walks in the park every morning.

(2) S + V + SC

      1. I am a student.  2. He looks sick.  3. The girl is kind.

(3) S + V + O

      1. I love you.  2. He saw a beggar. 3. My brother hit me.

(4) S + V + IO + DO

       1. He gave me a book.  2. I write him a letter.

(5) S + V + O + OC

        1. You make me happy. 2. He painted the house blue.



4. 句型分析練習

I. 句型

(1) S + V       

(2) S + V + S.C.        

(3) S + V + O    

(4) S + V + I.O. + D.O.        

(5) S + V + O + O.C.

II. 練習

1. He talks all the time.  

2. Please get me some bread.  

3. I will answer your question later.  

4. He became a beggar.  

5. You sound happy.  

6. I had my hair cut yesterday.  

7. Vegetables can keep you healthy.   

8. My friend sends me e-mails every week.  

9. My mother made me some tea.  

10. My teacher always smiles. 

11. The soup tastes very delicious.  

12. I like taking pictures. 

13. She told my daughter an interesting story.  

14. I found the room strange.  

15. Can you fly a kite?  

16. I always feel happy on Sundays.  

17. He plays the piano well.  

18. I feel sorry for you.  

19. Don’t leave the door open.  

20. The medicine made me sleepy.  

21. My brother watches TV every night.  

22. I will visit Taipei City Zoo next week.  

23. I saw him eat a cake yesterday.   

24. He found me a nice job.  

25. It seems warm outside.  

26. He can run very fast.  

27. Please give me your cell phone number.  

28. My sister can sing very well.  

29. Going to the mountains sounds interesting.  

30. Your father looks very upset. 


5. 句子的種類

一 直述句 (陳述事實或否定事實)

1.肯定句:He is my brother.  /2.否定句: He is not my brother. 3.倒裝句:On the desk are two books. 

二 疑問句 (質疑某事)

1.yes/no 問句:Is he my brother?

2.wh-問句:Who is that man?

3.附加問句:He is your brother, isn’t he?

三 祈使句 (請求或命令)

Please turn on the lights.

Let’s go swimming.

四 感嘆句 (表讚嘆、喜悅或驚訝等情緒)

What a kind man he is!

How nice you are!


 6. 改否定句與疑問句(Be動詞)

1. I am very sad.

      否:I am not very sad.

      疑:Am I very sad?

2. You are a math teacher.

      否:You are not a math teacher.

      疑:Are you a math teacher?

3. Alice is a junior high school student.

     否:Alice is not a junior high school student.

     疑:Is Alice a junior high school student? 

4. Mark was very short two years ago.

     否:Mark was not very short two years ago. 

     疑:Was Mark very short two years ago?

5. They were at home then.

     否:They were not at home then. 

     疑:Were they at home then?

改否定與疑問(一般動詞) 課文講解




do: 用於現在式主詞第一、二人稱或者複數形。 

does: 用於現在式主詞第三人稱(he, she, it)單數。 


1. I get up early every morning.

否:I don’t get up early every morning. /疑:Do I get up early every morning? 

2. You work very hard. 

否:You don’t work very hard. /疑:Do you work very hard? 

3. He sells flowers for a living.

否:He doesn’t sell flowers for a living. (sell 要改回原形) /疑:Does he sell flowers for a living? 

4. We love music. 

否:We don’t love music. /疑:Do we love music? 

5. You look young.

否:You don’t look young./ 疑:Do you look young? 

6. They go to school by bike.

否:They don’t go to school by bike./ 疑:Do they go to school by bike? 

7. Ted drank a lot of milk.

否:Ted didn’t drink a lot of milk. /疑:Did Ted drink a lot of milk? 

8. We talked about our teacher last night.

否:We didn’t talk about our teacher last night. /疑:Did we talk about our teacher last night? 




1. Ted walks to school every day.

否定:Ted doesn’t walk to school every day. 

疑問:Does Ted walk to school every day?

2. Sam bought a novel last night.

否定:Sam didn’t buy a novel last night.

疑問:Did Sam buy a novel last night?

3. They take a walk in the park every morning.

否定:They don’t take a walk in the park every morning. 

疑問:Do they take a walk in the park every morning? 

4. Michelle and Alan made a cake for their teacher. 

否定:Michelle and Alan didn’t make a cake for their teacher. 

疑問:Did Michelle and Alan make a cake for their teacher? 

5. We do our homework at night. 

否定:We don’t do our homework at night. 

疑問:Do we do our homework at night? 

6. Michael looks like a movie star. 

否定:Michael doesn’t look like a movie star. 

疑問:Does Michael look like a movie star? 

7. Sandy ate your tangerine. 

否定:Sandy didn’t eat your tangerine. 

疑問:Did Sandy eat your tangerine? 

Yes No 問句回答(be與情態助動詞)課文講解

10. Yes/No 疑問句的回答

(be 動詞和情態助動詞) 


1. Are you a math teacher?

肯定簡答:Yes, I am. (簡答不可縮寫,而且要用人稱代名詞) 

肯定詳答:Yes, I am a math teacher. /Yes, I’m a math teacher. 

否定簡答:No, I am not. /No, I’m not.

否定詳答:No, I am not a math teacher. /No, I’m not a math teacher. 

2. Is Alice a junior high school student?

肯定簡答:Yes, she is. (不可縮寫)

肯定詳答:Yes, she is a junior high school student. /Yes, she’s a junior high school student.

否定簡答:No, she is not. /No, she’s not. /No, she isn’t.

否定詳答:No, she is not (she’s not 或 she isn’t) a junior high school student. 

3. Was Mark very short two years ago? 

肯定簡答:Yes, he was. (不可縮寫)

肯定詳答:Yes, he was very short two years ago. 

否定簡答:No, he was not. /No, he wasn’t. 

否定詳答:No, he was not (wasn’t) short two years ago. 

4. Were they at home then?

肯定簡答:Yes, they were.

肯定詳答:Yes, they were at home then. 

否定簡答:No, they were not. /No, they weren’t. 

否定詳答:No, they were not (weren’t) at home then. 

5. Will he visit us next Monday?

肯定簡答:Yes, he will.

肯定詳答:Yes, he will (he’ll) visit us next Monday. 

否定簡答:No, he will not. /No, he’ll not. /No, he won’t. 

否定詳答:No, he will not (he’ll 或 won’t) visit us next Monday. 

6. Can Tom run very fast?

肯定簡答:Yes, he can.

肯定詳答:Yes, he can run very fast. 

否定簡答:No, he can not. /No, he can’t. 

否定詳答:No, he can not (can’t) run very fast. 

Yes No 問句回答(一般動詞)課文講解

11. Yes/No 疑問句回答  (一般動詞) 


1. Do you like to play basketball? 

肯定簡答:Yes, I do. (簡答不可縮寫) /肯定詳答:Yes, I like to play basketball. 

否定簡答:No, I don’t. (don’t = do not)/否定詳答:No, I don’t like to play basketball. 

2. Does Ted walk to school every day? 

肯定簡答:Yes, he does./肯定詳答:Yes, he walks to school every day. 

否定簡答:No, he doesn’t. (doesn’t = does not) /否定詳答:No, he doesn’t walk to school every day. 

3. Did Sandy eat your tangerine? 

肯定簡答:Yes, she did./肯定詳答:Yes, she ate my tangerine. 

否定簡答:No, she didn’t. (didn’t = did not) /否定詳答:No, she didn’t eat my tangerine. 

4. Do they take a walk in the park every morning? 

肯定簡答:Yes, they do./肯定詳答:Yes, they take a walk in the park every morning. 

否定簡答:No, they don’t. /否定詳答:No, they don’t take a walk in the park every morning. 

5. Do I look like Michael Jordan? 

肯定簡答:Yes, you do./肯定詳答:Yes, you look like Michael Jordan. 

否定簡答:No, you don’t./否定詳答:No, you don’t look like Michael Jordan. 

6. Did Nancy buy a novel last night? 

肯定簡答:Yes, she did./肯定詳答:Yes, she bought a novel last night. 

否定簡答:No, she didn’t. /否定詳答:No, she didn’t buy a novel last night. 




1. Has Mark finished his homework yet? 

肯定簡答:Yes, he has. (簡答不可縮寫,而且要用人稱代名詞) /肯定詳答:Yes, he has finished his homework already. 

否定簡答:No, he has not./否定詳答:No, he has not finished his homework yet. 

2. Has Tina eaten dinner yet? 

肯定簡答:Yes, she has. /肯定詳答:Yes, she has eaten dinner already. 

否定簡答:No, she has not./否定詳答:No, she has not eaten dinner yet. 

3. Has Andy ever been there before? 

肯定簡答:Yes, he has. /肯定詳答:Yes, he has been there before. 

否定簡答:No, he has not. /否定詳答:No, he has never been there before. 

4. Have they ever watched that movie before? 

肯定簡答:Yes, they have./肯定詳答:Yes, they have watched that movie before. 

否定簡答:No, they have not. /否定詳答:No, they have never watched that movie before. 

5. Have you practiced the piano for three hours? 

肯定簡答:Yes, I have./肯定詳答:Yes, I have practiced the piano for three hours. 

否定簡答:No, I have not. /否定詳答:No, I haven’t practiced the piano for three hours. 

6. Has his friend Cindy lived here for two years? 

肯定簡答:Yes, she has./肯定詳答:Yes, she has lived here for two years. 

否定簡答:No, she has not. /否定詳答:No, she has not lived here for two years. 

縮寫表: (a.)I have = I’ve   (b.) have not = haven’t   (C.) has not = hasn’t 


14. wh 疑問詞的問答1

常見的 wh 疑問詞包括:what, when, where, why, who, how。

其中 what 與 who 有代 名詞的詞性,問句形成比較複雜,將留在下一個單元探討。

其餘的都屬副詞,造 疑問句的規則與前􏰄單元所教過的大同小異。

練習用 wh 疑問詞造問題 

1. Ray watched the horror movie yesterday. 

      When did Ray watch the horror movie? 

2. Wendy learns English at a cram school. 

       Where does Wendy learn English? 

3. Lily goes to school by bike. 

      How does Lily go to school? 

4. Jack cried because he failed his math quiz. 

       Why did Jack cry? 

5. Peggy is doing her homework in the living room now. 

       Where is Peggy doing her homework now? 

6. Lily took out the garbage this afternoon. 

      When did Lily take out the garbage? 

7. Mike will go to Taipei by plane. 

      How will Mike go to Taipei? 

8. Nancy was late for school because she didn’t sleep well last night. 

      Why was Nancy late for school? 

15. wh 疑問詞的問答2 

如何形成 what 與 who 的問句 

1. The man is watching TV . 

      What is the man doing? 

2. Mike is talking to my teacher. 

     Who is talking to your teacher? 

3. Ted watches TV after school every day. 

     What does Ted do after school every day? 

4. Jerry stole your bike. 

     Who stole my bike? 

何時需要助動詞 ?

如果 who, what 當主詞的話,則不用加助動詞,若不是則按一般 的原則形成疑問句。 

5. What makes you come to Taiwan? (S + V) 

6. Who did you talk to? 

7. What did he say to you? 

8. Who is your favorite singer? 

9. Who helped you with your homework last night? 

10. What happened to you? 


16. 祈使句





3.否定句在 句首加上 Don’t 


1. Open the door.

加入 please: (a.) Please open the door.   (b.) Open the door, please. 

加入人名: Mary, open the door, please. 

                       Mary, please open the door. 

改否定句: Don’t open the door, please. 

                       Please don’t open the door. 

2. Give him a cup of tea. 

加入 please: (a.) Please give him a cup of tea.    (b.) Give him a cup of tea, please.

加入人名: Mike, give him a cup of tea, please. 

                       Mike, please give him a cup of tea.

改否定句: Don’t give him a cup of tea. 

                       Please don’t him a cup of tea. 

3. Turn on the lights.

加入 please:  (a.) Please turn on the lights.    (b.) Turn on the lights, please. 

加入人名: Tom, turn on the lights, please. 

                       Tom, please turn on the lights. 

改否定句: Don’t turn on the lights. 

                       Please don’t turn on the lights. 


17. 感嘆句


句型:1. What a (an) + n. + S + V!

                2. How adj./adv. + S + V! 


 1. S 和 V可以省略。

 2. what 是adj. 修飾 n.中文意思是「多麼」。

     how是adv. 修飾adj. 或是adv. 


What a kind man he is!

What an interesting story (it is)!

What beautiful flowers!

What an exciting party we had!

How nice you are!

How fast he runs!

How beautiful the flower is!

How hard they worked!