Chapter 24 Imagination will lead to experimentation

第二十四章 想像力將會引導你做新的嘗試



24. Imagination will lead to experimentation

We are told that the disintegrating state of our mind and of our school system, for that matter, is because we lack imagination. Even further: this innate creativity is decaying because of the age we are living in, the Internet Age. “Has modern society really extinguished the creative spark among our youth? Experts say creativity is innate, so it can't really be lost. But it needs to be nurtured. … The current focus on testing in schools, and the idea that there is only one right answer to a question, may be hampering development and creativity among kids, … But the situation is not hopeless, … In fact, there's evidence to suggest that, worldwide, youngsters are very creative, particularly with their use of digital media, … And a recent study found that, at least in their playtime, kids are becoming more imaginative. Experts agree changes can be made in the classroom to cultivate creativity.”1

One of my favorite educators, Dr. Ken Robertson often speaks of the need to nurture that “treasure” that exists in each of us. “All children start their school careers with sparkling imaginations, fertile minds, and a willingness to take risks with what they think. … I believe this passionately: that we don't grow into creativity, we grow out of it. Or rather, we get educated out of it. … We live in worlds that we have forged and composed. It's much more true than any of the species that you see. I mean, it seems to me that one of the most distinctive features of human intelligence is the capacity to imagine, to project out of our own immediate circumstances and to bring to mind things that aren't present here and now.”2 Thus we are presented with a conundrum, are we not? You cannot kill my creativity: it is innate. But, how do I manifest this imagination? If the contemporary school system will not allow me to mature, I must uncover myself: I must obviously experiment. 

Now exposing yourself to a new “world” and new experiences obviously comes with danger when experimenting with mind-altering substances. The American inspired War on Drugs has been an approach to limit the usage of “illegal substances” in the population, excluding probably the most lethal: alcohol. Virtually all segments of society consider it a politically driven failure.3 Our approach to any kind of mind altering material has been historically quite confusing and many times ephemeral. Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis was heavily addicted to cocaine, of all things. In An Anatomy of Addiction,4 Dr. Howard Markel writes, “On April 21, 1884, a 28-year-old researcher in the field now called neuroscience sat down at the cluttered desk of his cramped room in Vienna General Hospital and composed a letter to his fiancée, Martha Bernays, telling her of his recent studies: ‘I have been reading about cocaine, the effective ingredient of coca leaves,’ Sigmund Freud wrote, ‘which some Indian tribes chew in order to make themselves resistant to privation and fatigue.’ As Freud wrote almost three decades later: ‘the study on coca was an -- allotrion’ -- an idle pursuit that distracts from serious responsibilities -- ‘which I was eager to conclude.’” In that period of time Freud became so seriously addicted to cocaine that he almost ruined his career. There can be no enlightenment through an artificial stimulant.

On a personal note, I had a friend in school, George Maige. We thought he was “too cool for school,” as the saying goes.5 He was good looking, with a car and, of course, a girlfriend: he was our idol, our icon, everyone wanted to emulate his lifestyle. He tried LSD.6 This drug had only been made illegal in 1968: I was born in 1956, for example. Upon ingestion, it causes an “animated sensory experience of senses, emotions, memories, time, and awareness for six to fourteen hours.” All fake and created by the mind: I see the world through my five senses to paraphrase Sadhguru. 

George took the drug and had a “bad trip” -- a period of mental breakdown. He caused quite “a stir” in our small town. He crawled up a tree and began to howl and grunt like a monkey. You know the corollary: the neighbors came, then the police came, and finally the volunteer medical staff came -- followed by a real-life doctor. George was placed in our local hospital and eventually moved to a “big city” mental institution. A friend and I went to visit him. If you have watched “One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest”7 you will know what effect it had on me as a young man. He was never the same again – never! The academic and mystic, Ram Dass8 has a thought: “Love is the most transformative medicine for love slowly transforms you into what psychedelics only get you to glimpse.” 

You eventually come to a point in life that you realize “the big five” (alcohol, drugs, sex, money and power) will not help you achieve enlightenment – your oneness with the universe – only you can do that. The other diversions will not, ultimately, help. Only meditation, prayer and thoughtfulness can give you an understanding of life.

24. 想像力將會引導你做新的嘗試



當你接觸全新的「世界」和全新的體驗時,明顯地會帶來危險,若你是嘗試服用會產生幻覺的毒品。美國人發動打擊毒品的戰爭所用的方法就是限制人們使用「非法毒品」,儘管其中最致命的酒精卻沒有包含在其中。事實上,社會各階層都認為這是一個失敗的政策。3 我們過去管理迷幻藥物的方法很混亂,而且很多次執行的時間都很短。精神分析之父西格蒙德‧弗洛伊德曾經有嚴重的海洛因毒癮。在《成癮的分析》4一書中,作者豪霍華‧馬可博士曾表示:「1884年4月21日,一名現在稱之為「神經科學」的28歲研究員,在他維也納綜合醫院狹窄的房間中,坐在雜亂的辦公桌前寫信給他的未婚妻瑪莎・伯奈斯,告訴她最近的研究心得。『我一直在讀古柯葉具有藥效的成分─古柯鹼,』弗洛伊德寫道,『一些印第安部落為了抵抗飢餓和疲勞會咀嚼古柯葉。』正如弗洛伊德在三十年後所寫的那樣:『我很急切的結束古柯葉這個奇怪的研究,』這個沒有什麼作用的研究讓他從嚴肅的計畫中分神了。』」在那段時間裡,弗洛伊德對古柯鹼上癮,幾乎毀了他的職業生涯。任何人造的刺激物質都無法帶來任何心靈上的領悟。


