Chapter 11  We are all called to a mission!

    第十一章  我們都受到使命的召喚



11. We are all called to a mission! 

As a child, I remember the fog. That ghostly covering lingered everywhere: on the cars, on the houses and even on the people -- at least it seemed. My consciousness is filled with countless images: this, however, is the most indelible. The suspended moisture created a pregnant silence: all could be serene, all could be at peace. Is it true -- is it possible? As you walked, it felt as if something or someone was being produced right before your eyes, if you could only grasp it. Some semblance stood interspersed in the haze. It was there but so, so difficult to clearly identify.

This is much like life, is it not? When we are young, reality is confusing and difficult to understand. We finally come to a point where we are able to make out the outlines of a gravel path leading somewhere – to where we are not sure. We thus tentatively begin. The mist, however, obscures our view. The trail and surrounding region are shrouded in an opacity that makes continuing difficult: but trundle on we must – step following step, kilometer “giving way” to new kilometer. The legs grow weary and the feet hurt from “smiting the ground.”1 Just when we are ready to give up, we hear the lapping of the waves and then see the outline of a body of water. As we approach the shore, the immenseness of the sea is understood. We stand in awe. To the right is a small boat. In the vessel is a paddle. You seat yourself and begin to row – to where, you are not quite sure. Welcome to the adventure of you: this is your personally tailored quest -- sewn by whom? Only the cosmos knows the answer.

The question that always seems the most intriguing is, “What if you decide not to begin?” Why does everyone have to view life as an adventure? Why can’t I just exist for 70 or 80 years and then die. The simple answer is that we naturally possess four traits as human beings: we are naturally happy, we exist in a state of peace, we are intrinsically loving beings and finally (most importantly for the purposes of this piece) we are seekers. We are simply not “hardwired” to exist and then die. Animals, insects and rocks can do this: we can’t. Our life pursuit need not take on a physical component: money, power and rock and roll. But at the very least, there is a spiritual side that all of us must identify with: failure to do so and we are totally amoral,2 existing outside the corpus of humanity. 

In class, I often hear when a student is asked for their life goals, “I just want to be happy.” This is a tragic and nonsensical response. You will not be happy if your economic condition disintegrates or if your personal and spiritual life is meaningless. The American Dream ideal, rather sadly in my estimation, has drawn a distinction between effort (toil) and recreation (happiness). This is not life. The only solution to a well-lived life is work. If you aspire to do what you love, calling it whatever name you choose, you will feel fulfilled and your life will have its requisite meaning. Failure to do so will produce nothing but dire consequences. The Daily Mail tells us: “So, do we all want to live to be 100? I certainly do: But only if I can hang on to my mental and physical health. I recognize to achieve that, we must be prepared to put in some effort, find the discipline to eat properly, exercise enough and keep on learning new things to keep our minds active. We also need to be prepared to reach out to new friends as we lose the old ones. Is it worth the effort? … Many centenarians are not only enjoying their long lives, but their families and friends rightly treasure them as a valuable resource.”3

The great conundrum faced by all is that we are not given a life agent, someone to meticulously manage our career, our future. You must do this yourself. Conversely, no one can control the response of the crowds nor manage the results. You are on your own to have your own intimate and private conversation with your God in the “wee hours” of the night or morning, depending on the gravity of your problem. I personally believe in the power of prayer and meditation to find solutions. You alone can open that special door through which flows all answers and understanding. 

11. 我們都受到使命的召喚


這就跟人生很像,不是嗎?當我們年輕時,現實生活是令人困惑難解的。等我們最終到了人生的某個階段時,開始能隱約看到一條通向某處的石頭路,但通向何處我們並不確定。我們帶著不確定的心情踏上人生的旅程。然而,迷霧遮蔽了我們的視線。那條路和周邊地區籠罩在迷霧中,使得繼續往前變得有點困難。但我們仍然必須前進,一步接著一步,一公里接著一公里。雙腿疲憊不堪,雙腳因「重擊地面」1而感到疼痛。 當我們差不多準備放棄時,我們聽到海浪輕輕拍打岸邊的聲音,然後看見了大海的輪廓。當我們走進岸邊時,我們了解到大海一望無際。我們內心充滿敬畏並佇立在那裡。右手邊有一艘小船,船上有一支短槳。你坐好後,便開始划起槳來。去哪裡?你並不是那麼確定。歡迎你展開自我追尋的冒險,這是為你個人特別量身訂做的探索之旅。是誰為你量身打造的呢?答案恐怕只有老天爺才知曉了。


