Unit 6 : The 2007 Jhutang Elementary Graduation 

To start off the graduation ceremony at the Jhutang Elementary School, teachers and students paraded around the auditorium. Entering from the side door near the basketball court, the principal and administration staff led the procession. They were followed by the teachers and then the students who proudly strolled around the crowded room, waving to friends and relatives in the audience. 

After taking a seat on stage, the ceremony commenced. The formal procedures lasted quite a while. Each student was introduced, a valedictorian speech was made, and the principal bid farewell to the students. After all of this, it was time to hand out the diplomas. 

A tray was used to carry the diplomas which were rolled up like scrolls and bound with a ribbon. One of the students held the tray as the principal made his way down the line. Each student was presented with a scroll by the principal who bowed and offered his congratulations to the graduates. The students also bowed in return and gave their thanks as they received them. 

Once the formalities were completed, the students exited the stage in an orderly fashion. They were now free to mingle with the crowd and take pictures with their friends and families. It was a day they will never forget.


1.auditorium (n.)禮堂

2.administration staff (ph.)行政人員

3.procession (n.)遊行隊伍

4.commence (v.)開始

5.valedictorian(n.) 告別演說者

6.bide (v.)等待 靜候

7.farewell (n.)告別

8.scroll (v.)滾動

9.bind (過去式bound)  (v.) 纏繞

10.formality(n.) 形式禮節拘謹

11.mingle(v.) 交融 混雜
