No. 51


1. Yes, I have been there several times. I really enjoy learning about all the different animals and actually seeing them up close. It’s quite a treat.


2. Yes, I have been to the one in Koahsiung and the one in Taipei. I prefer the Taipei zoo because it is home to the pandas. 


● be home to (phr.) (某地)擁有...,...的所在地、棲息地

3. I was there once on a school trip. I didn’t really like it though. I don’t like seeing animals in cages. I think animals should be left in the wild where they belong.


● cage(n.)籠子

4. No, I have never been to the zoo. I would like to visit one though. I can only imagine how much fun it would be to see all the strange and wonderful animals.


● imagine (v.) 想像

5. I’ve been there on quite a few occasions. Zoos are a great place to see animals that people would never see otherwise; especially, endangered species.


● occasion (n.) 機會

● endangered (adj.) 瀕臨絕種的

No. 52


1. I share a room with my brother, so it is a little cramped. There are two single beds with a nightstand separating them. We each have our own chest of drawers, but we have to share a closet.


● cramped (adj.) 狹窄的

● nightstand (n.) 床頭櫃

● chest of drawers (n.) 五斗櫃,(有抽屜的)衣櫃

● closet (n.) 衣櫥

2. I have a nice, big bedroom. As you enter, my bed is on the right. Next to that, there is a small computer desk. On the left, you will see a wardrobe and a dresser.


● dresser (n.) 梳妝台,(有抽屜、頂部通常配有鏡子的)矮衣櫃

● wardrobe (n.) 衣櫃

3. My bedroom is a cluttered mess. There is junk everywhere. My bed is on the left-hand side with a small table beside it. On the right, there is a bookshelf and a dresser for my clothes.


● cluttered (adj.) 凌亂的

● junk (n.) 垃圾

4. I take a pride in making my bedroom feel cozy. I have some photos of my friends on a pinboard above my bed. I also have the usual bedroom furniture: a nightstand, a wardrobe, and a dresser.

我為我把房間弄得很舒適而感到驕傲。我的床上方有個釘板,上面釘了幾張我朋友的照片。我也有一般房間會有的傢俱: 一個床頭櫃、一個衣櫃,還有一個梳妝台。

● cozy(adj.)舒服的

● pinboard (n.) 釘板

● furniture (n.) 傢俱

5. I don’t spend much time in my bedroom so it is nothing special. There’s just a bed and a dresser in it. I also have a small bedside table with a lamp on it.


● lamp (n.) (尤指帶燈罩的)燈

No. 53


1. I think the biggest advantage of living in a big city is having everything you need at your fingertips: restaurants, shopping centers, and other amenities. This could also be a disadvantage as you may end up spending a lot more money.


● amenity (n.) 設施

2. There are far more disadvantages than advantages in my opinion. Air pollution, heavy traffic, and crime, just to name a few. The only advantage I can see is having better public transportation than you would in a smaller place.


● pollution (n.) 汙染

● crime (n.) 犯罪

● transportation (n.) 交通

3. One main advantage would have to be the public transportation system. In rural areas, it can be difficult to get from here to there. But, in the city, there is always a bus or taxi at the ready. Two disadvantages would be the crowds and always having to wait in line.

主要的優點就是大眾運輸系統較好。在鄉村地區,兩地間的移動是很困難的。 但是在都市,總有公車或計程車可以搭。住都市的兩個缺點就是人很多,還有總是需要排隊。

● rural (adj.) 鄉村的

● at the ready (phr.) 準備好並等待著;準備好隨時行動

● crowd (n.) 人群

4. I believe that larger centers offer a much higher quality of health care than in rural areas. This is a huge advantage. However, they probably need it because of all the traffic accidents, which would be a big disadvantage.


● quality (n.) 品質

● accident (n.) 意外

5. The main advantage is that everything is more convenient in large cities. You never have to go far for anything--except for maybe fresh air. Needless to say, a lack of fresh air would be a disadvantage.


● convenient (adj.) 方便的

● except (prep.) 除了...之外

No. 54


1. I went shopping just yesterday. My mother and I went to a department store in Yuanlin where I bought some new clothes for school. We got a good deal on them.


2. I haven’t been shopping for more than 2 months. The last thing I remember buying was a memory card for my cell phone. I think it cost around 500 dollars.


3. I was in Taichung shopping 2 weeks ago. I went to an electronics store just to browse and ended up buying a smart tablet. It was such a good price that I couldn’t pass it up.


● pass sth up (phr.) 放過,放棄,錯過(機會)

4. I went shopping last week. It was right after the weather turned cold. I had to go out and buy some warmer clothes. I bought a scarf, some gloves and a pair of heavy socks.


● scarf (n.) 圍巾

5. I go shopping every Sunday and last Sunday was no exception. This time, I went shoe shopping. I must’ve tried on 30 pairs before I finally found a pair that fit properly.


● exception (n.) 例外

● properly (adv.) 適合地

No. 55


1. Actually, I went out for dinner last night. My friends and I went to a hot pot restaurant that just opened up. I had the Kimchee hot pot and it was excellent.


● Kimchee (n.) 泡菜

2. The last time I went out for dinner was last Thursday. I went with a few of my classmates to a Thai restaurant in Beido. I ordered the chicken curry. It was good, but a little too spicy for taste.


3. I haven’t gone in ages. The last time was two months ago for my father’s birthday. The whole family went to a buffet-style restaurant in Taichung. I had shrimp, stir-fried vegetables and steamed rice.


● in ages (phr.) 很久

4. I eat out quite regularly. Just last night I went to Japanese restaurant. I had sushi and a Japanese salad. It was exceptionally good considering it was only 150 dollars.


● exceptionally (adv.) 特別地

● considering (conj.) 考慮到

5. Three weeks ago, I went to a steakhouse here in town with my uncle. I had a thick juicy steak with noodles served on a sizzling iron dish. It was a little on the expensive side, but well worth it.


●sizzle (v.) 發出(油炸食物般的)噝噝聲 , 滋滋作響

No. 56


1. I believe that I was about 3 when I learned to ride a bike. My father taught me how to do it. I didn’t take long because I was a fast learner.


● get the hang of sth (phr.) 學會做

2. I taught myself how to ride a bike when I was 7. I tipped over a few times and scraped my knees, but I finally got the hang of it.


● tip over (phr.) 跌倒

● scrape (v.) 擦傷

3. I was taught to ride a bike by my mom. I think I was 4 years old. I was pretty scared at first, but my mom walked alongside me to make sure that I didn’t fall over.


4. I got my first bike when I was 6 and learned to ride soon after that. It had training wheels on it so that it wouldn’t tip over. No one really taught me. My father just put me on the bike and gave me a push.


5. My grandpa helped me learn to ride when I was 5. I was very worried about wiping out, but he assured me that he wouldn’t let that happen. And he did it.


● wipe out (phr.) 翻倒,出事故

● assure (v.) 保證

No. 57


1. Not much. I can wake up and be out the door in about 10 minutes. I just throw on my clothes, brush my teeth wash my face and grab my book bag on the way out the door.


2. It generally takes me at least an hour. I have to shower, do my hair, put on my makeup and get all my school stuff in order. It takes even longer if I have to wait to use the bathroom.


● generally (adv.) 通常

●makeup (n.) 化妝品

3. I suppose it take me around half an hour. As soon as I get up, I have breakfast. Then I brush my teeth and wash my face. After that, I have to gather up my homework and put it in my school bag.


4. I wouldn’t say that it takes me any longer than 45 minutes. My morning routine is very organized. Day after day, I follow the same schedule: eat breakfast, wash up, get dressed and head for the door.

我會說不超過45分鐘。我早上的例行公事很有規劃。我每天都照一樣的排程做事: 吃早餐、盥洗、著裝,然後出門。

● routine (n.) 慣例

● get dressed (phr.) 穿衣打扮

5. I only need between 30 and 40 minutes to get ready for school. Of course, nothing gets done until I’ve had my morning coffee. It helps me to wake up and it gets me going.


● get sb going (phr.) 使某人興奮

No. 58


1. I kill time by watching TV. Time can go by very quickly when you’re watching a good program. Maybe it’s not the most productive way to kill time, but I enjoy it.


● productive(adj.) 富有成效的,多產的

2. I often read to kill time. For example: If I’m at a restaurant waiting for a friend to show up, I’ll read the newspaper to make time go by more quickly.


3. I rarely have time to kill, but, when I do, I like to play games on my cell phone. I actually have a game that helps me improve my memory, so it isn’t a complete waste of time.


● improve (v.) 增強

4. Gossiping with friends is a good way to kill time. I often do this to pass the time between classes at school if I have nothing better to do. 


● gossip (v.) 八卦 

No. 59


1. Hey, Kevin. It’s Tom. Listen. I just got two tickets to a concert tomorrow and I’m looking for someone to come with me. Do you want to go? My parents can drive us.


2. Hello, Harry. It’s me, Bob. I’ve got some great news. I’ve got two tickets to a concert tomorrow evening and I want to invite you to come along. What do you do say?


3. Hi, Fred. This is Joe. Today is your lucky day. I have two tickets for the big concert tomorrow night and one has your name on it. How about it?


4. Good afternoon, buddy. It’s Frank. Remember that concert we were talking about? Well, I actually managed to get tickets. Would you like to come along?


● manage to (phr.) 設法做到,勉力完成

5. How are you doing, Ben? It’s Charlie. I have a big surprise. I’ve got ahold of tickets to the concert at the stadium and I want to bring you along. Are you free to go?


● get ahold of (phr.) 得到

● stadium (n.) 體育館

No. 60


1. I would tell the person to put it back. I would explain how stealing is wrong and that they shouldn’t do it. Hopefully, they would see it my way and return the item.


2. I’d look the other way. I wouldn’t want to get anyone in trouble. Maybe later, I would go to visit the person who stole something and try to convince them never to do it again.


● look the other way (phr.) 假裝沒看見

● convince (v.) 說服

3. I would alert store security and let them handle it. I would tell security that I wanted to remain anonymous so that the person wouldn’t come after me.


● security (n.) 保全,警衛

● anonymous (adj.) 匿名的

4. I would confront the person and say, “I saw you take that, you know? I really don’t want to get involved but I will report you if you don’t put that back.”

我會和那個人對質,並且說:「我看到你拿了東西,你知道嗎? 我真的不想介入,但如果你不把東西放回去的話,我會舉報你。」

● confront (v.) 對質,面對,遭遇

● involve (v.) 牽涉

5. I would try to reason with them by explaining the consequences of getting caught. I would say that shoplifting is a criminal offense and you can get arrested or even go to jail for doing it.


● reason with sb (phr.) 與(某人)講道理;說服(某人);規勸(某人)

● consequence (n.) 後果

● shoplift (v.) 行竊

● offense (n.) 罪行

● arrest (v.) 逮捕