No. 11


1. You should keep an adequate supply of bottled water in your house for drinking. Having clean drinking water in an emergency is critical. If you have ever become real thirsty, you will understand the need for this preparation.


2. Loose items outside of your house should be placed inside if a typhoon is coming. The winds are very strong in a typhoon and easily blow loose items away. Rushing water from the heavy rains will wash items away too.


3. If you have pets, they should not be left outside without good shelter from the typhoon. It is very dangerous for pets to be outside. They might be caught in rushing water from the heavy rains. Also, they could be struck by wind blown debris.


4. You should make sure you have enough food in the house so you do not have to go to the store when the storm is bad. Like clean drinking water, food is important for your well-being and health. Going without food, even for 24 hours, will make you weaker and your strength will wane quickly.


5. You should buy good rain gear so that, if you must go outside during the storm, you can protect yourself from the heavy wind and rains. There will be times when you must go outside, even during a storm. Someone might need your help. You will become wet very quickly without rain gear and if it is chilly and windy this may lead to hypothermia, which is life threatening.


No. 12


1. I would look to see if there was identification in the wallet. If I found a telephone number I would call the person. If I found an e-mail address or a regular mailing address, I could use it to contact the person.


2. I would bring it to the police station. The police would be able to keep it safe until the owner is found. The police might be able to find the owner if I cannot.


3. I would try to make contact with the owner. Trying to find the owner so they can come and get the wallet would be the right thing to do. I would want that person to call me if they found my wallet.


4. I would return it to the owner. This is the right thing to do. The owner may need the money for his rent or for food for his family.


5. I would look for an address, e-mail or telephone number inside the wallet. Often, in today's world, people will have these identifications in their wallet. When you buy a wallet, it usually has a blank identification card inside for you to fill out.


6. I would place an ad in the local newspaper looking for the owner. This would be a good way to try and find the owner. In small towns, like my village, many people read the newspaper each week. Our newspaper is only published once each week.


No. 13


1. I always get up early. It's the best time of the day. And after all, "the early bird catches the worm"!


2. I usually wake up early but I don't want to get up. I sometimes drift in and out of sleep for an hour. I guess you could say I'm lazy.


3. I'm a night owl. I often stay up until the early morning chatting to my friends online. Sometimes I'm still awake when the sun comes up.


4. I seem to need more sleep than other people. I go to bed early and wake up late. It's strange, though, because I still feel tired.


5. I'm an insomniac. I find it very hard to fall asleep. The only thing that helps me is counting sheep!


No. 14


1. I'm taking a General English Proficiency test.


2. I'm doing an exam that tests my English proficiency.


3. I'm doing the question and answer portion of the GEPT test.


4. I'm thinking about what I am going to do after this test is finally finished.


5. At the moment, I am trying to concentrate on this test so that I can pass.


No. 15


1. I like all kinds of movies. I don’t have a particular favorite genre. I am just a movie fan in general.


2. I suppose I like horror movies the most; especially, very gory ones. The more blood, the better.


3. I would have to say comedies or anything that makes me laugh. As you know, laughter is the best medicine.

我必須說喜劇或任何可以讓我笑的電影是我的最愛。你也知道, 笑是最好的良藥。

4. Definitely romances. I have always been a sucker for a good love story.


5. Action movies are at the top of my list. I like to see lots of explosions, car chases and gun fights when I watch a movie.


No. 16


1. My birthday is in March, so I was 15 when I started high school.


2. I was born in December. That would have made me 14 when I started.


3. I believe everyone is 15 when they start high school, aren't they? I could be wrong.


4. I haven't started high school yet. I won't attend high school until I am 15. That is still 2 years away.


5. I turned 15 the week before my first semester of high school.


No. 17


1. It's a bad idea to use your cell phone while driving or riding a bike. It is very distracting and you could get into an accident.


2. As a rule, you shouldn't talk on your cell phone at the library, in a movie theater or during class at school.


3. It's considered rude to talk on your cell in quiet places like libraries or museums. Personally, I hate it when people use them at the movie theater.


4. I would say the top 3 places you shouldn't use your cell phone are the movie theater, the library and the classroom.


5. Most people would agree that it is unacceptable to talk on a cell phone in the library or while driving a car.


No. 18


1. I am terrified of public speaking. I don’t even like giving presentations in front of my own classmates.


2. I get a little nervous speaking in front of crowds, but I think it is only natural.


3. I used to get terribly nervous when I had to speak to a group, but I overcame that fear. Now I am completely at ease doing so.


4. No, I don’t feel comfortable doing that. I have a fear of public speaking. I get very anxious.


5. I am quite comfortable speaking to groups of people. Probably because I took a public speaking course a few years back. 


No. 19


1. I don’t think anyone really ‘enjoys’ exercising. Some people just understand that there are long-term health benefits of doing it.


2. Some people are just more health conscious than others. They know the importance of exercise and the role it plays in living longer.


3. For some people, exercise just isn’t that fun. It is tiring and repetitious. Not everyone can find enjoyment in that.


4. It is hard to find a type of exercise that is enjoyable to do day after day. Especially, when you’re already tired after a long day at work or school.


5. I think some people have a misconception about exercise. It doesn’t have to be all running and pushups. It can be something more enjoyable like playing your favorite sport. 


No. 20


1. I have to get up early for school six days a week. Sundays is the only day that I can sleep late.


2. I get up early every day. I don’t have a choice in the matter. I don’t have the luxury of sleeping late.


3. With my busy schedule, I can’t afford to sleep in even if I wanted to. If I did, I would fall behind on my studies.


4. I try to sleep late whenever I get the chance. Unfortunately, the chance doesn’t come along very often.


5. I’m in the habit of getting up early. Even on days when I could sleep late, I am usually up before seven. 
