第1題 What's your favorite kind of movie? Why?

No. 1


1. My favorite kind of movie is a comedy. The actors are very funny! They always make me laugh so much with their jokes and amusing expressions.


2. I love Sci-fi movies. I am very interested in aliens and other planets. I hope one day I will meet an alien here on Earth!


3. I'm really interested in action movies. I love the fast cars and amazing stunts. When I watch them I'm always on the edge of my seat.


4. I like war films. They can teach us about our history. They also remind us to try to find peaceful solutions in the future.


5. My favorite movies are romantic ones. I usually make a mug of hot chocolate and snuggle up on the sofa to watch. I always cry at the happy endings!


第2題 Do you feel comfortable speaking in front of people? Why or why not?

No. 2


1. I always feel afraid speaking in front of many people. My mouth becomes dry and I get tongue-tied. Sometimes I even forget what I want to say!


2. I feel confident speaking to a group. This wasn't always the case though. I used to dread it but I guess practice makes perfect so I don't mind it now.


3. When I speak to a group of people I can feel many eyes looking at me. It makes my legs shake . I get so nervous and I just want it to end quickly so I can sit down again!


4. I'm a teacher so speaking in front of people is part of my job. The best thing to do is prepare everything carefully beforehand. That helps to give you the confidence you need.


5. Ahh! Just the thought of speaking in front of people makes me nervous. Sometimes I even have nightmares about it! I hope I never need to do it!


第3題 Why do some people enjoy exercising and some don't? What do you think?

No. 3  


1. Some people, like my Dad, are health freaks! He goes to the gym every night to do body building. I think he's addicted to it!


2. Exercising takes time and commitment. Some people say they are too busy to do it. I think that's just an excuse though because exercising also requires hard work!


3. My Mum enjoys exercising to keep fit. Since she started jogging, she's lost 5kg. I'm very proud of her and she looks great!


4. A lot of people join health clubs but only go a few times. They give up so quickly! I think they like the idea of getting fit but don't want to get too sweaty doing it!


5. Exercising is a great social activity. It's a good way to meet people and make new friends. And besides, exercising together is always more fun than doing it alone!


第4題 In some places we should not talk on cell phones. What are some of these places?

No. 4


1. I don't think we should talk on cell phones on buses or trains. We will disturb others. Sometimes people want to sleep on a long journey.


2. I don't think students should have cell phones in school. We should respect the teachers and listen to them carefully. Cell phones interrupt the class.


3. I hate it when people talk on their cell phones in the cinema! I can't hear the movie! Please everyone, remember to turn off your cell phones at the cinema!

我討厭人們在電影院裡講手機!我會聽不到電影的聲音! 請每個人記得在電影院時把手機關機!

4. Once I was in a restaurant and a man shouted into his cell phone. He was arguing with his friend. Now I think we shouldn't use cell phones in any public places!


5. Sometimes talking on your cell phone can be dangerous. For example, we shouldn't use them on flights. They can affect the plane's electronics and cause accidents!


第5題 What would you do if you were in a strange city and were lost?

No. 5


1. I would buy a map. I would use it to find the right way. The only problem is...I need to know where I am on the map first!


2. I would panic! I hate the feeling of getting lost, especially in a place I've never been to before. I guess I would just stand still and shout "help!"


3. I actually don't mind getting lost! It will just make me explore more! I can discover new places while I'm looking for the right way to go.        


4. I would find someone to ask directions from. It would need to be a local person who knows the area. Oh, and someone who can speak Chinese or English!


5. It wouldn't be a problem. I always carry the business card of my hotel in my pocket. If I'm lost, I just hail a taxi and ask him to take me to the address on the card.


第6題 Have you ever done anything dangerous? Tell me about it.

No. 6


1. I'm an adrenaline junkie. I'm into extreme sports. Every weekend you'll find me on a surf board or jumping out of a plane!


2. I did a bungee jump once. I closed my eyes and screamed so loudly. I'll never do one again!


3. Once I took a walk by myself through the forest. You might not think it's very dangerous but you should have seen the size of the snake I saw!


4. I've never done anything dangerous. You could say I'm a bit of a coward. Getting out of bed in the morning is enough for me!

我從未做過任何危險的事。 你可以說我是個膽小鬼。早上要從床上爬起來對我來說已經夠困難了!

5. I'm a soldier in the army. Every day I look danger in the face. I do it because I want to protect my country and my family.


第7題 What is your favorite TV program? Why?

No. 7


1. My favorite TV show is "Lost". It's an American drama about a plane crash. It always keeps you on the edge of your seat.

我最喜歡的電視節目是「Lost檔案」。 這是一部關於飛機失事的美劇。這部劇總是可以讓你看得很專心。

2. I'm a huge fan of "24". The main character is called Jack Bauer. He seems to save the world almost every day!

我是電視劇「24」的忠實粉絲。劇中主角叫Jack Bauer。他幾乎每天都在拯救世界!

3. I like comedy shows and there are none better than the British "Office". It's so true to life. I recognize myself in some of the actors.


4. Have you ever seen "BBC World"? It's a 24 hour news channel that reports what is happening around the world. It keeps you right up-to-date.

你有看過「BBC 國際新聞」嗎?這是一個24小時的新聞頻道,會報導全世界發生的事。這個節目能讓你掌握最新消息。

5. I like "Downtown Abbey". It is a period drama from England. I love seeing the old fashions and the way people used to live.


第8題 Which pop singer do you like best? Why? 

No. 8


1. I like rap music so my favorite pop singer is Eminem. I feel he really understands my feelings. His lyrics are really deep.


2. My favorite singer is Beyonce. She's very beautiful and is a great dancer. I've learnt all of her dances and I love copying her moves.

我最喜歡的歌手是Beyonce ,她非常漂亮,也是一個很棒的舞者。我已經學會她所有的舞蹈了,而且我喜歡照她著她的動作做。

3. I like music from the 60s. There's no-one better than the Beatles and there never will be. Paul McCartney is a legend!

我喜歡1960年代的歌。沒有人比Beatles更好了,而且也永遠不會有。Paul McCartney 是一個傳奇人物!

4. There's nothing better than a glass of wine and some country music. Dolly Parton is my favorite singer. She has a great pair of lungs.

沒有什麼比一杯葡萄酒和一些鄉村音樂更好的了。Dolly Parton 是我最喜歡的歌手。她是鐵肺歌手。

5. I love the Spice Girls. When I was growing up, I had posters of them on my bedroom walls. I dreamed that one day I would be one of them. Girl Power!

我愛 Spice Girls。在我成長的階段,我會在我房間的牆上貼她們的海報。我夢想著有一天,我會成為Spice Girls的其中一員。 衝吧女孩!

第9題 When you go out to eat, would you rather eat Chinese food or some other type of food? Why?

No. 9


1. I like to try new things. Last night I went to an Italian restaurant and ate pizza. It was delicious!


2. I always stick to Chinese food. I just want to eat what I know. Maybe I should be a bit more adventurous, though.


3. I'll eat anything! Once I tried fried scorpion. I can't say I liked it but I was pleased I gave it a try.

我甚麼都吃! 有一次我嘗試吃炸蠍子。我不會說我喜歡這道菜,但我很高興我嘗試了。

4. I usually cook by myself so I eat Chinese food. It's easier for me because I know how to make it. Maybe one day I'll learn some new recipes.


5. I'm a vegetarian. I'll eat any food from anywhere, as long as it doesn't contain meat. You should try it, too!


第10題 Do you prefer to spend the weekend at home or out doing different things? Why? 

No. 10


1. I prefer to stay at home when I have lots of papers to grade. I am a public school teacher. Public school teachers often spend several hours beyond the normal working day to grade papers and prepare lessons. Returning papers and graded assignments in a timely manner is good teaching technique.


2. I am a writer. When I am in the middle of an assignment, I like to stay home and work on the assignment. I am a goal directed person. It is important to me that I reach a certain milestone whenever I am writing. I usually set short term, as well as long term goals.

我是一個作家。 當我有工作要做的時候,我喜歡待在家做。我是一個目標導向的人。當我在寫作時,達到一個里程碑對我來說是很重要的。我通常會設立短期目標,也會設立長期目標。

3. I work in an office all week long. On weekends I like to spend time away from my house so I can be outside. I find that getting enough time in the fresh air outside is good for me. I  feel better physically when I am active; I also feel better mentally.


4. Outside. I am an outdoor person who likes to ride bikes, walk or hike, and swim in the ocean. My physical fitness level is an important part of my life. I watch what I eat and stay active so I will not become overweight.


5. I love to play baseball so I like to spend lots of time outside at the baseball field practicing my game. Sometimes, I play on first base. My favorite position, though, is pitching. I love to practice throwing curve balls to improve my skills level. I am far better at throwing the fast ball right now. So, I practice the other throws a lot.
