第91題 Do you have cable TV at home?你家有有線電視嗎?

第92題 Who do you look up to?誰是你敬重的人?

第93題 How do you improve your English conversation skills?你如何增進你的英語會話能力?

第94題 You get home one night and realize you are locked out. You don't have your keys and no one is home. What would you do?你有天晚上到家時,發現你沒有帶鑰匙而且家中無人,你被鎖在門外。你會怎麼辦?

第95題 If your friend failed an important test, what would you say to make him or her feel better?如果你的好朋友在一場重要的考試失利,你會說什麼來安慰他或她?

第96題 If your friends came to see you at home, what would you say to make them feel relaxed?如果你的朋友來家中拜訪,你會對他們說什麼讓他們覺得較放鬆自在點?

第97題 How can we become healthier?我們要如何更健康呢?

第98題 You see an old friend that you haven't seen for many years. What do you say to him?你遇到一位多年未見的老友,你會對他說什麼?

第99題 What would you say to introduce a good friend to your father?你要介紹一個好朋友給你的父親,你會說什麼?

第100題 When you give someone a present, what should you say to them?當你送某人一個禮物,你該會對他們說什麼?


1. 仔細聆聽題目。

2. 試著自己回答。

3. 參考提供的五種回答方式。


第91題 Do you have cable TV at home?


1. Yes, we have cable TV at home. It's nice because there are lots of channels to choose from.


2. No, we don't have cable TV. My father is too cheap to get it. He says that it's a waste of money.


3. Of course. Doesn't everyone? I couldn't live without cable TV. What would I watch?


4. No, we don't. No one at our house has time to watch TV anyway, so what is the point.


5. Yes, we do. Actually, we just had cable TV installed last week. It didn't cost that much.


第92題 Who do you look up to?誰是你敬重的人?


1. I look up to my father. I think he is a good role model for me. I really respect him a lot.


2. The person that I look up to is my teacher Mr. Brown. He treats me with respect and I really admire that.

我尊敬的人是我的老師Mr. Brown,他對我尊重,我真的很喜歡那種態度。

3. I really look up to my grandmother. She is the kindest person that I know. She is very supportive of me.


4. I look up to my elder brother. He is the coolest person I know. I want to be just like him.


5. I have a lot of respect for my mother. She is a hard-working woman. She works long hours and still manages to take care of me.


第93題 How do you improve your English conversation skills?你如何增進你的英語會話能力?


1. I improve them by practicing every day. My friends and I often speak in English just for practice.


2. I watch English TV programs. I think listening to native speakers is important. The more that I listen, the more I can understand and speak.


3. I go to conversation classes on Saturdays. It has really improved my ability to converse with people in English.


4. I have a private tutor from Canada. She helps me improve my conversation skills. So far, it has helped a lot.


5. Practice, practice, practice. That is the only way. If you don't practice speaking, you will never get better.


第94題 You get home one night and realize you are locked out. You don't have your keys and no one is home. What would you do?你有天晚上到家時,發現你沒有帶鑰匙而且家中無人,你被鎖在門外。你會怎麼辦?


1. I would call my mom on my cell phone. Then she could come home and let me in.


2. I would go to my neighbor's house and ask if I could stay until my parents got home.


3. It would never happen. We have a spare key hidden outside just in case.


4. I would sit near the front door and read. Hopefully, I wouldn't have to wait too long.


5. I would go to my friend's house and wait for my parents. He lives on the same block as me.


第95題 If your friend failed an important test, what would you say to make him or her feel better?如果你的好朋友在一場重要的考試失利,你會說什麼來安慰他或她?


1. I'd hug her/him and say, "Don't worry. It's not the end of the world. You'll do better next time.


2. I'd make her/him feel better by saying, "Don't be so hard on yourself. We've all failed a test before. Nobody's perfect."


3. I would say, "Everything will be okay. You'll just have to study harder next time."


4. I would rub her/his back gently and say, "It's over! There is nothing you can do about it now. Forget about it."

我會輕輕地拍他或她的背並說:「過去了! 你現在也做不了甚麼。忘記它吧。」

5. I might say, "It's okay. We all make mistakes sometimes. All we can do is learn from our mistakes."


第96題 If your friends came to see you at home, what would you say to make them feel relaxed?如果你的朋友來家中拜訪,你會對他們說什麼讓他們覺得較放鬆自在點?


1. I would say, "Feel free to make yourselves at home. Can I get you anything to drink?"


2. I'd probably say, "Go ahead and make yourselves comfortable. You can sit anywhere you want."


3. I might say, "Welcome to my home. Grab a seat and I'll get you all a cup of coffee."


4. I'd say, "Hello. There are drinks in the fridge and some cake on the table. Help yourselves."


5. I would say, "Have a seat and make yourselves at home. What would you like to drink?"


第97題 How can we become healthier?我們要如何更健康呢?


1. We can become healthier by watching what we eat. It is important to stay away from junk food and eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.


2. To become healthier, we need to exercise daily. Any exercise is fine. Even walking for 20 or 30 minutes a day will help.


3. I think sleep is important to becoming healthier. Most people don't get enough sleep. Our bodies need at least 8 hours of sleep per day.


4. Just follow these simple rules: exercise often, eat healthy foods and drink lots of water. That's all you need to remember.

只要依照這些簡單的規則: 常運動、吃健康的食物,還有喝很多水。你只要記住這些就好。

5. I believe that people need to eat less meat. Red meat is especially bad for you. You can get protein and fats from nuts instead.


第98題 You see an old friend that you haven't seen for many years. What do you say to him?你遇到一位多年未見的老友,你會對他說什麼?


1. Wow. I haven't seen you forever. Where have you been? What have you been doing?

哇。我一輩子沒見到妳了。你去哪裡了? 你去做甚麼了?

2. Is that you? I can't believe it. It's been so long. How have you been?

是你嗎? 我不敢相信。好久不見。你過得怎樣?

3. Oh my god! It's so good to see you. You look great. What's new with you?

我的天啊! 真高興見到你。你看起來很好。你過得怎樣?

4. Holy cow! Long time no see. Where have you been hiding?

天啊! 好久不見。你之前都躲在哪裡?

5. What a nice surprise. I can't remember the last time we talked. What's been happening?


第99題 What would you say to introduce a good friend to your father?你要介紹一個好朋友給你的父親,你會說什麼?


1. I would say, "Dad, this is my good friend Bob. He is my classmate. He lives near the park."


2. I might say, "Hey, Dad. I want you to meet my friend Bob. I think you will like him."


3. I'd say, "Dad, I like to introduce you to Bob. This is Bob. He is a good friend of mine."


4. I would probably say something like, "Dad, please allow me to introduce you to Bob. We are best friends."


5. I would say, "Dad, I'd like you to meet Bob. He goes to the same school as me. We have some classes together."


第100題 When you give someone a present, what should you say to them?當你送某人一個禮物,你該會對他們說什麼?


1. Here you go. I picked it out just for you. I hope you like it.


2. I got this for you in Taipei. I wanted it to be a surprise.


3. This is for you. It's just a little something I thought you'd like.


4. Here's a gift for you. But you have to guess what it is first?


5. Here's something just for you. Go ahead and open it.
