第71題 What do you do? 你的職業?

 第72題 What would you do if you found a cockroach in your soup at a restaurant? 當在餐廳用餐時,你發現一隻蟑螂在你的湯裡你會怎麼辦?

 第73題 If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? Why? 如果你可以選擇任何地方去旅行,你會去哪?

 第74題 At a restaurant, you order spaghetti, but the waiter serves you fried rice by mistake. What do you do? 當在餐廳用餐時,服務生搞錯了送來了炒飯不是你點的義大利麵。你會怎麼辦?

 第75題 Your friend doesn't look well. What do you say to them? 你的朋友看起不舒服,你會對他們說什麼?

 第76題 Your friend invites you to go out for dinner, but you can't go. What do you say? 你的朋友邀請你外出吃晚餐。你會說什麼?

 第77題 Do you sort your trash? Why or why not? 你會做垃圾分類嗎?

 第78題 Do you keep a diary? 你寫日記嗎?

 第79題 You must go to Taipei with your grandfather on the train immediately. What would you say to the person at the ticket booth? 你必須和爺爺立刻搭火車去台北,你會對售票人員說什麼?

 第80題 You are at KFC for lunch. After ordering, you can't find an empty table. What would you do? 你在肯德基用午餐,點餐後卻發現沒有空位。你會怎麼辦?


1. 仔細聆聽題目。

2. 試著自己回答。

3. 參考提供的五種回答方式。


第71題 What do you do? 你的職業?


1. I am a student at Tienwei Junior High School. This is my second year there. It's a nice school.


junior high school (ph.) 國中

second (adj.) 第二的

2. I'm a high school student. My school is in Yuanlin. This is my last year there.


high school (ph.) 高中

3. I go to elementary school in Beido. I am in grade 6. Next year, I will be a junior high 

   school student.


elementary school (ph.) 國小

grade (n.) 年級

4. I study business at Taipei University. This is my first semester there. I quite like it.


business (n.) 商業

university (n.) 大學

semester (n.) 學期

5. I'm in my third, and last year of Junior High. My school is in Changhua. I have learned a lot there.


third (adj.) 第三的

第72題 What would you do if you found a cockroach in your soup at a restaurant? 當在餐廳用餐時,你發現一隻蟑螂在你的湯裡你會怎麼辦?


1. I would just tell the waiter to bring me another bowl of soup. It wouldn't bother me too much.


2. I would freak out! That is so disgusting. I definitely wouldn't pay for the meal. I would just leave.


3. I would ask to see the manager. Then I'd tell him that I want a free meal and order the most expensive thing on the menu.


4. I would shout, "There's a cockroach in my soup!" Then I'd call the food inspector and report the incident.


5. I wouldn't make a big deal out of it. It happens sometimes, but I'd think twice about eating there again.


第73題 If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? Why? 如果你可以選擇任何地方去旅行,你會去哪?


1. I would go to Los Angeles. That is where all the movie stars live. I could also see a Lakers’ game there.


2. I have always dreamt of going to Greece. I want to see all the old buildings and sculptures there. I am fascinated by ancient Greek history.


3. I would like to go to Tibet. I want to see the world’s highest mountain, Mt. Everest. That is my dream.


4. I want to go to Thailand because they have the best food in the world! I also want to see the jungles there and ride an elephant.


5. India would be my choice. I am intrigued by their culture. I want to see how people there live.


第74題 At a restaurant, you order spaghetti, but the waiter serves you fried rice by mistake. What do you do? 當在餐廳用餐時,你點了義大利麵但服務生搞錯了送來了炒飯。你會怎麼辦?


1. I would tell the waiter that this was not what I ordered. Then I would send it back.


2. I would just eat it anyway. I wouldn't want to wait for them to cook another dish.


3. I'd say, "There's been a mistake. I didn't order this. Can you please get me what I ordered?"


4. I'd nicely say, "Excuse me. This is not what I ordered. I ordered spaghetti."


5. I'd complain to the manager and make a big deal out of it. Then they might give me a discount.


第75題 Your friend doesn't look well. What do you say to them? 你的朋友看起不舒服,你會對他們說什麼?


1. I'd probably ask, "Are you feeling alright? You look a little pale. Maybe you should sit down for a while."


2. I would say, "You look like you are sick. Are you coming down with something?"


3. I might say, "I hate to say it, but you don't look very good. Are you getting sick?"


4. I wouldn't say anything. I would stay away from them until they looked better. I wouldn't want to catch something.


5. I'd caringly say, "Oh my god. You look as if you are sick or something. Do you feel alright?"


第76題 Your friend invites you to go out for dinner, but you can't go. What do you say? 你的朋友邀請你外出吃晚餐。你會說什麼?


1. Thanks so much for inviting me, but I already have plans. We can do it another time.


2. I'm sorry, but I can't go. I have to study for an exam tonight. Maybe next time.


3. Unfortunately, I have to decline. But thanks for the invitation. Another time perhaps.


4. I can't go tonight because I'm busy. Can we do it tomorrow instead?


5. I appreciate the invitation, but I can't go. Can I take a rain check?


第77題 Do you sort your trash? Why or why not? 你會做垃圾分類嗎?


1. Yes, we sort our garbage. Everyone in Taiwan has to separate recyclables from general garbage.


2. We always sort our garbage. We have bins in our house to make it easier. 


3. We never sort our garbage. It's a waste of time. We just put it all in a garbage bag and tie it up. 


4. Of course. We put recyclable materials in one bag, food scraps in another and everything else in a different bag.


5. Yes. It is policy in Taiwan to do so. This makes it easier to be recycled.


第78題 Do you keep a diary? 你寫日記嗎?


1. No, I don't keep a diary. I keep all my memories and secrets in my head. It's safer that way.


diary (n.) 日記

memory (n.) 回憶

secret (n.) 秘密

2. Yes. I write in it every night. It is a good way to keep track of things in my life.


keep track of (ph.) 記錄

3. I used to keep one, but I don't now. I just never have enough time to write down my thoughts.


write down (ph.) 寫下

thought (n.) 想法

4. No, I don't keep a diary. I'd rather spend the time playing computer games.


would rather (ph.) 寧願

5. Yes, I do. I have kept one for many years. I only write down happy thoughts and things I       want to remember.


remember (v.) 記得

第79題 You must go to Taipei with your grandfather on the train immediately. What would you say to the person at the ticket booth? 你必須和爺爺立刻搭火車去台北,你會對售票人員說什麼?


1. I need 2 tickets to Taipei. Which train will get me there the fastest?


2. My grandfather and I have to get to Taipei as soon as possible. Which train do you suggest?


3. Excuse me, but I'm in a rush. Could I have two tickets for Taipei? Which train makes the fewest stops?


4. My grandfather and I need to get on the next train to Taipei. It's an emergency.


5. How can I get to Taipei as quickly as possible? There are 2 of us that need seats.


第80題 You are at KFC for lunch. After ordering, you can't find an empty table. What would you do? 你在肯德基用午餐,點餐後卻發現沒有空位。你會怎麼辦?


1. I would just stand and wait for someone to finish. People come and go all the time there.


2. I would look for a table with an empty chair. Then I would ask if I could sit there.


3. I would ask the person at the counter to put my order in a bag. Then I would take it home to eat.


4. I would find a table with a seat available and sit down. I don't mind sharing a table with strangers.


5. I would eat standing up until a table became available. I don't think that I would have to wait long.
