第41題 How was the traffic on your way here? 你來這裡的交通如何?

 第42題 Do you like riding a bicycle? 你喜歡騎腳踏車嗎?

 第43題 Tell me about your hometown. 描述你的家鄉

 第44題 Do you think TV is good for children? 你認為電視對孩子有益嗎?

 第45題 How do you go to school every day? 你每天如何上學?

 第46題 Is your family a big one or a small one? 我家是小家庭還是大家庭?

 第47題 Describe your living room at home. 描述你家的客廳。

 第48題 If you had to live in either Kaohsiung or Taipei, which one would you choose? 如果你必須選擇住高雄或台北,你會選擇哪裡?

 第49題 Do you often go to the movies? Why or why not? 你常去看電影嗎?為什麼或為何不?

 第50題 Do you think it's okay for guys to grow long hair? 你認為男生留長髮好嗎?


1. 仔細聆聽題目。

2. 試著自己回答。

3. 參考提供的五種回答方式。


第41題 How was the traffic on your way here? 你來這裡的交通如何?


1. It was rush hour, so there was a lot of traffic on the road. I was almost late.


2. It wasn’t too bad. There wasn’t a lot of traffic on the road today. It was OK.


3. It was terrible. There was a traffic jam on Jhongsan Road. Traffic was backed up for 2 blocks.


4. Traffic was bad today. It’s always bad in Taiwan. There are too many cars, trucks and scooters on the road.


5. It wasn’t good at all. There was an accident near my house. Cars moved very slowly through that area.


 第42題 Do you like riding a bicycle? 你喜歡騎腳踏車嗎?


1. Yes, I really like riding a bicycle. I think it is fun and good exercise. It is also much faster than walking.


2. No, I don’t like riding a bicycle. It is dangerous. There are too many crazy drivers on the road in Taiwan.


3. Yes, I enjoy bike riding. In fact, my father and I often go to Nantou to ride our bikes. There are many beautiful bike paths there.


4. No, I don’t like riding a bike because it makes me sweaty. I prefer to walk when I go anywhere. 


5. Yes, I love riding bikes. It is one of my favorite things to do. I own a really nice bike that I bought in Taichung.


 第43題 Tell me about your hometown. 描述你的家鄉


1. I was born in the small town of Tienwei. I have lived there all my life. It is a beautiful town with many flower gardens. And the people there are all so friendly. I enjoy living there.


2. My hometown is Yongjing. It is quite small and there isn’t much to do there. There aren’t even any good places to shop.


3. I come from Yuanlin which is located in Changhua County. It is a very big town with lots of tall buildings. There is even a university there.


4. Taipei is my hometown, but I live in Tienwei now. Taipei is the largest city in Taiwan and has one of the tallest buildings in the world—Taipei 101.


 第44題 Do you think TV is good for children? 你認為電視對孩子有益嗎?


1. Yes, I do. It keeps them out of trouble. It is also a good way to  learn new things if they watch educational programs.


2. No. I think TV is bad for children to watch. There are too many violent TV shows. It also teaches them bad words.


3. I think TV is okay for children as long as they only watch children’s shows. Parents should keep a close eye on them.


4. No, I don’t think TV is good for children. It is bad for their eyes. I think they should read or take up a hobby instead.


5. Yes, I think TV is good for children as long as they don’t watch too much. However, they shouldn’t watch adult programs.


第45題 How do you go to school every day? 你每天如何上學?


1. I walk to school every day. It isn't very far. It only takes me about 10 minutes to get there.


2. My mother drives me to school in her car. She picks me up after school, too. I'm glad that I don't have to walk.


3. I ride my bike to school. I don't mind except when it rains. I don't like going to class wearing wet clothes.


4. I go to school by car. My father drops me off at school on his way to work. It's very handy for me.


handy (adj.) 便利的

5. I catch a ride with my neighbor Tom. He goes to the same school as me. His father drives us there in his truck.


第46題 Is your family a big one or a small one? 我家是小家庭還是大家庭?


1. My family is a small one. It's just my parents and me. I am an only child. I like getting all their attention.


2. My family is a big one. I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters. It's always busy around our house in the morning. There is always a fight for the bathroom.


3. I have a small family. It's only my parents, my younger brother and me. It's pretty quiet around our house.


4. I have a large family. I have 4 sisters and 2 brothers. In addition, my grandparents live with us, too. But it's ok because they help look after us.


5. I think that I have a small family. It's just my parents, my grandma, my older sister and I living in the house. 5 people isn't very big.


第47題 Describe your living room at home. 描述你家的客廳。


1. My living room is quite small. There is only a sofa, a coffee table and a TV. I wish I had a bigger living room.


2. It is an average-sized living room. There is an entertainment center in the corner with a TV and DVD player. I also have a large brown sofa, 2 big soft chairs and a small table.


3. I have a very big living room. It is painted white and brown. There is the usual living room furniture: sofa, recliner, end tables, etc. I also have a lot of artwork on the wall.


4. My living room is on the second floor of the house. It is very spacious because I don't have much furniture; only a big chair, a small table and a TV. I like it that way.


5. My living room is very cluttered because it doubles as my office. There are books and papers everywhere. I don't have a desk, so I sit on the sofa and use the coffee table to do my work.


第48題 If you had to live in either Kaohsiung or Taipei, which one would you choose? 如果你必須選擇住高雄或台北,你會選擇哪裡?


1. I would choose Taipei simply because it has a big zoo and I love going there. If I lived in Taipei, I could visit the zoo whenever I wanted.


2. I prefer Kaohsiung to Taipei. Taipei is just too busy all the time. People there are always in such a rush. I find [people in] Kaohsiung much more relaxed.


3. Definitely, Taipei. I have family and friends that live in Taipei. It would be nice to be close to them. I don't know anyone in Kaohsiung.


4. If I had to choose, I would choose Kaohsiung. It is closer to Kenting, Green Island and other popular tourist places that I would like to visit.


5. I think Taipei would be a better place to live. It is more modern than Kaohsiung and has more cool things to do.


第49題 Do you often go to the movies? Why or why not? 你常去看電影嗎?為什麼或為何不?


1. No, I don't often go to the movies. It is too expensive. It is much cheaper to rent a movie and watch it at home.


2. Yes, I do. I usually go to the movies once or twice a week. There is nothing better than watching a movie on a big screen.


3. No, I don't. I might see a movie once a year if I am lucky. I am too busy studying and doing homework to go out.


4. Yes, I often go to the movies. Usually, about 3 times a month. But, I never buy snacks at the theater. It is a rip-off. 


5. No, not often, but I do go occasionally. I would like to go more, but I don't have enough time or money. Besides, the theater is quite far from my house.


第50題 Do you think it's okay for guys to grow long hair? 你認為男生留長髮好嗎?


1. I think it's okay. Guys can grow long hair if they want. It's a free country, right?


2. No, I don't think it's okay. Men should have short hair. No one will respect you if you have long hair.


respect (v.) 尊重

3. It doesn't matter to me. Everyone should have the right to choose their hairstyle. I won't judge them on their hair.


4. Long hair on guys looks stupid. Some people think they're so cool just because they have long hair. But I think long hair is for girls.


5. Sure it's okay. In fact, my uncle has long hair. I don't treat people differently just because of their hair. That seems ridiculous.
