第101題 What would you do if someone took your seat in the movie theater?在電影院裡,如果有人坐了你的位子,你會怎麼辦?

 第102題 Give a short introduction of yourself.請你簡短的自我介紹一下。

 第103題 There is a phone call for your father, but he isn't at home. What would you say to the caller?有人打電話找你父親,但他不在。你會跟打電話的人說什麼?

 第104題 You are studying at the library. The boys at the next table are talking loudly. What would you do?你正在圖書館唸書,坐在隔壁桌的男孩子們講話很大聲。你會怎麼做?

 第105題 What time do you get up on Sundays?週日你都幾點起床?

第106題 What would you do if the electricity went out while you were taking a bath?當你正在浴室洗澡時,突然停電了你會怎麼辦?

 第107題 What would you do if your friend looked upset?如果你的朋友看起來心情不是很好你會怎麼辦?

 第108題 What would you do if you won a million dollars?如果你贏得一百萬元你會怎麼做?

 第109題 Do you like to play computer games? Why or why not?你喜歡玩電腦遊戲嗎?為什麼?或為什麼不?

 第110題 Do you have any credit cards? Why or why not? 你有信用卡嗎?為什麼?或為什麼沒有呢?


1. 仔細聆聽題目。

2. 試著自己回答。

3. 參考提供的五種回答方式。


第101題 What would you do if someone took your seat in the movie theater? 在電影院裡,如果有人坐了你的位子,你會怎麼辦?


1. I would politely say, "Excuse me. You're in my seat. Would you mind moving, please?


2. I would nicely say, "I'm terribly sorry, but I think this is my seat. Could you please move?"


3. I would angrily say, "Hey buddy. You're in my seat. Get out!"


4. I might say, "Pardon me, but I believe you're in my seat. Can I have it please?"


5. I wouldn't want to make a scene, so I would just find an empty seat and sit there.


第102題 Give a short introduction of yourself. 請你簡短的自我介紹一下。


1. Hi. My name is Bob. I am 10 years old and live in Tienwei. I like basketball, baseball  and playing online games.


2. I'm Melissa. I study at Tienwei Junior High School. In my free time, I like to read and hang  out with my friends.


3. My name is Henry. I'm 11 and in grade 5. I like swimming and hiking. I want to be a 

doctor when I grow up.


4. Hello. My name is Carla. I live in Beido with my family. My hobbies include playing the piano and gardening.


5. My name is Jason Li. I am an honor student at my school. I spend all my time studying. I want to be an engineer.

我的名字是Jason Li,我在學校是一個成績優異的學生。我所有的時間都在讀書,我想要成為一個工程師。

 第103題 There is a phone call for your father, but he isn't at home. What would you say to the caller? 有人打電話找你父親,但他不在。你會跟打電話的人說什麼?


1. I'm sorry. He's not in right now. Would you like to leave a message?


2. He's not here at the moment. Can I get your name and number and have him call you back?


3. I'm sorry, but you just missed him. Call back in about 30 minutes and he should be home.


4. He's not available right now. Can I take a message or do you want to call back later?


5. He's not at home. May I take a message? You can also call back later if you want.


 第104題 You are studying at the library. The boys at the next table are talking loudly. What would you do? 你正在圖書館唸書,坐在隔壁桌的男孩子們講話很大聲。你會怎麼做?


1. I would nicely ask them to be quiet. If that didn't work, I would tell the librarian that they are bothering me.


2. I would probably move to a different table. I wouldn't want to make a scene.


3. I'd stand up and say, "Excuse me! This is a library. Please, lower your voice or leave."


4. I would politely ask, "Could you not speak so loudly, please? I can't concentrate on my studies."

我會禮貌地問:「可以請你們不要大聲說話嗎? 我無法專心讀書。」

5. I'd stare at them with raised eyebrows and only say, "Ahem!" Hopefully they would get the point.


 第105題 What time do you get up on Sundays? 週日你都幾點起床?


1. Not very early. I try to sleep as late as I can. I usually wake up after 10 on Sundays.


2. Unless I have plans, I usually sleep in till at least 11. Sunday is the only day that I can do this.


3. I usually wake up at around 9 on Sundays. Sometimes I wake up earlier, but not often.


4. About 8 because I have piano lessons at 9. If I sleep past 8, I would be late.


5. My father makes me get up at 6 on Sundays to go hiking. He says that he likes to go hiking early while it is still cool.


No. 106  What would you do if the electricity went out while you were taking a bath? 當你正在浴室洗澡時,突然停電了你會怎麼辦?


1. I'd yell for my mother to bring me a candle or flashlight so that I could see.


2. I'm afraid of the dark. I'd probably scream. Hopefully, my father would hear me and come help me.


3. I would get out of the tub. Then I would find a flashlight and check the breaker box.


4. It wouldn't bother me. I'd just finish my bath in the dark and then go to bed.


5. It wouldn't be a problem for me. I keep candles in the bathroom all the time. I could just light one and finish my bath.



No. 107  What would you do if your friend looked upset? 如果你的朋友看起來心情不是很好你會怎麼辦?


1. I'd ask, "Is everything alright? You look upset. What's going on?"


2. I would kindly say, "Are you okay? You don't seem like yourself today. What is bothering you?


3. I would give my friend a hug and say, "What's the matter? Is something wrong?"

我會給我朋友一個擁抱然後說:怎麼了? 有甚麼不對嗎?

4. I would just pretend that everything was okay. I wouldn't want to get involved.


5. If my friend looked upset, I would ask, "You want to talk? It looks like you need a friendly ear?"


No. 108   What would you do if you won a million dollars? 如果你贏得一百萬元你會怎麼做?


1. I would put all of it in the bank. It would be nice to have some financial security. Then I wouldn't have to worry about money.


2. I would buy so many things. I would buy a new computer, a new bike, an X-Box and anything else I wanted.


3. I would probably save half of it. The other half I would put toward my education.


4. I'm not very good with money. I would probably blow it all buying stuff that I wanted. Then I'd be broke again.


5. I think that I would travel the world for a while. Then I would use what is left over to buy a house.


No. 109 Do you like to play computer games? Why or why not? 你喜歡玩電腦遊戲嗎?為什麼?或為什麼不?


1. Of course, I do. What child doesn't. There is nothing more exciting than playing computer games.


2. Not really. I think they are a waste of time. I have better things to do than play computer games.


3. I sure do. They help me relax. But I am only allowed to play them when I am finished my homework.


4. I don't like playing them at all. They're childish. I outgrew them when I was 8 years old.


5. No, they're not for me. I never understood the point of them. The whole idea seems a bit ridiculous to me.


No. 110  Do you have any credit cards? Why or why not? 你有信用卡嗎?為什麼?或為什麼沒有呢?


1. Of course not. I'm just a child. Nobody gives credit cards to children.


2. Yes, I have one. I try not to use it too much because I don't like to pay interest.


3. No, I don't have any credit cards. They make it too easy to spend money you don't have.


4. Yes, I have a couple of them. They are very handy. You can even use them to buy stuff online.


5. I have never had a credit card. I wouldn't trust myself with one. I'd probably end up in debt.
