第1題 How do you spell your first name? 怎麼拼你的名字?

 第2題 Do you go to restaurants? Why or why not?你常去餐廳用餐嗎?為什麼或為何不去?

 第3題 Do you like to travel? Why or why not? 你喜歡旅遊嗎?為什麼或為何不喜歡?

 第4題 What do you do for fun? 你喜歡的娛樂是什麼?

 第5題 What TV show do you like to watch the most? Why?你最喜歡的電視節目是什麼?

第6題 How many people are there in your family? 你家中有幾個成員呢?

 第7題 Do you enjoy fast food? Why or why not?你喜愛速食嗎?為什麼或為何不?

 第8題 Do you like going shopping? Why or why not?你喜歡購物嗎?為什麼或為何不?

 第9題 When is your birthday? 你的生日是什麼時候?

 第10題 What did you do last night?你昨晚做了什麼?


1. 仔細聆聽題目。

2. 試著自己回答。

3. 參考提供的五種回答方式。


No. 01  How do you spell your first name? 怎麼拼你的名字?


1. It is spelled H-A-R-R-Y. 

它的拼法是 H-A-R-R-Y

2. L-I-N-D-A

3. I spell it T-O-M. 


4. My first name is spelled C-H-R-I-S. 


5. J-O-H-N is how it is spelled. 


No2.   Do you go to restaurants? Why or why not?你常去餐廳用餐嗎?為什麼或為何不去?


1. Yes, I often go to restaurants. My mom works and doesn’t have time to cook, so my family eats out every day.


2. No, I don’t go to restaurants. I think they are too expensive. I would rather cook at home and save my money.


3. Yes, I do go to restaurants, but not very often because I am too busy. I only go on special occasions like birthdays and holidays. 


4. No, I don’t go to restaurants. My grandma cooks for me every day, so I always eat at home. Her cooking is much better than any restaurant food. 


5. Yes, I love going to restaurants. I like going to them because there are many dishes to choose from. I enjoy trying new dishes every time I go. 


No. 3   Do you like to travel? Why or why not? 你喜歡旅遊嗎?為什麼或為何不喜歡?


1. I like traveling a lot. It is fun to go to new places and learn new things.  It's also a good way to meet new friends.


2. I don't like to travel. I think it is boring and too expensive. Watching  travel shows on TV is good enough for me.


3. Yes, I like to travel. It is a good way to explore the world. I want to travel to many different countries.


4. I hate traveling. I don't like sitting on buses and airplanes. It makes me feel sick.


5. Yes, I do. It is interesting to learn about new cultures. I also like trying new kinds of food in different places.


 No. 4    What do you do for fun? 你喜歡的娛樂是什麼?


1. I like playing computer games. I play them almost every day. I think they are lots of fun.


2. I like to go hiking in the mountains for fun. It is a good way to spend time outside and learn about nature. It is also good exercise.


3. I play basketball for fun. It is my favorite sport. I enjoy playing it with my friends. I play  every day after school.


4. For fun, I like reading novels. A lot of students think it is boring, but not me. I would rather read than waste my time on things like computer games.


5. My favorite thing to do for fun is to go shopping. I go shopping with my friends every Sunday. We usually go to Yuanlin or Taichung to shop.


No.5   What TV show do you like to watch the most? Why?你最喜歡的電視節目是什麼?


1. I like watching cartoons the most. They are funny. I watch them every Sunday morning. My favorite cartoon is One Piece.


2. I like to watch soap operas. They are very entertaining. I look forward to watching them every day. My mom usually watches them with me because she likes them too.


3. I like watching basketball on TV the most. My favorite team is the Bulls. I try to watch every game on TV. Some days I hurry home from school just to watch them play.


4. I watch detective shows like CSI. It is interesting to see how the police solve crimes and catch criminals. Maybe I will be a detective one day.


5. I like to watch the news as often as possible. I think it is important to know what is going on in my country. I learn something new every time I watch it.


No.6   How many people are there in your family? 你家中有幾個成員呢?


1. There are 5 people in my family. Along with my parents, I have 2 older sisters and a younger brother.


2. There are only 3 people in my family. I am an only child. I wish that I had a baby brother.


3. There are 4 members in my family. I have 1 brother. He is 4 years older than me.


4. I have a big family with 8 members. My parents had 6 children. All my brothers and sisters are older than me. I am the youngest.


5. There are 5 people in my family, including my parents. I have 2 brothers. One is older and one is younger than me. I am the middle child.


No7. Do you enjoy fast food? Why or why not?你喜愛速食嗎?為什麼或為何不?


1. Yes, I love fast food. It is very convenient. I can stop, eat and go in about 15 minutes.


2. No, I don't like fast food at all. Most fast food is high in fat, so it isn't good for you. I prefer to eat healthy food.


3. Yes, I enjoy fast food, but only as a treat. It isn't very healthy, so I only eat it once in a while, like on my birthday.


4. I don't like fast food. I wouldn't even feed it to my dog. It is full of unhealthy preservatives. Fresh food is much healthier.


5. Fast food is my favorite kind of food. I think it is delicious. I would eat it every day if I could.


No.8   Do you like going shopping? Why or why not?你喜歡購物嗎?為什麼或為何不?


1. Yes, I really enjoy going shopping. My friends and I go every weekend.  We always have a good time doing it.


2. I hate shopping. The stores near my house are always too busy and I don't like crowds.


3. Shopping is the best thing ever! I would spend all my time shopping if I  were rich. I especially like finding bargains.


4. I have never liked shopping. It's probably because I'm cheap and like to save my money. I only go shopping if I have to.


5. Yes, I love it. There is nothing better than shopping for new clothes. I feel like a model when I try on different outfits.


No. 09    When is your birthday? 你的生日是什麼時候?


1. It's on March 26th. I usually have a small party and invite my friends.


2. My birthday is April 21st. My grandparents often come to visit that day. Sometimes they  give me a birthday card with money in it.


3. My birthday is coming up next month. It's on the 8th of October. My sister is going to take me shopping that day.


4. It's on the 19th of February. My mom always makes me a birthday cake and puts candles on it. Then I blow out the candles and make a wish.


5. It was on the 23rd of last month. My parents took me out for dinner to celebrate. They even gave me a gift.


No.10   What did you do last night?你昨晚做了什麼?


1. I stayed at home and studied for an upcoming math test. I studied for about 3 hours and then I went to bed. I hope that I pass the test.


2. I went to Taichung to see a movie with my friends. After the movie, we went out for pizza. Then we took the train home.


3. Last night, I went to visit my grandmother. I often go to see her when I have free time. She is always happy to see me.


4. I watched the game show on TV with my family and I read a book until I fell asleep.


5. My friend came over to see me last night. We stayed up late talking about school and watching TV.
