
homo — (1)human 「人類」Homo — 

(2)same 「相同的」

inter — between ; among 「在 ~ 之間」  

homogeneous, homonym, homophone, homograph, homosexual, intercept, interchange, interfere, interlude, interplay   

homogeneous (adj.)同類的;同性質的 . homo- same   gen- kind

The population of Japan still remains relatively homogeneous.

homonym (n.)同音同形異義詞 . nym- name 

The noun “bear” and verb “bear” are homonyms.

homophone (n.)同音異形異義詞 . phone- sound

“ Knew” and “new” are homophones.

homograph (n.)同形異義詞 . graph- writing    

The noun “record” and the verb “record” are homographs.

homosexual (a.)同性戀的  heterosexual   straight  gay lesbian 

Tom and Peter are often seen walking hand in hand. They must be homosexual.

intercept (v.)中途攔截;抄截 . inter- between  cept- catch

With only 10 seconds to go, the only hope for our team is to intercept the ball from the other team.

interchange (v.) 交換;互換;使互相易位 

The thief interchanged the diamonds with some pieces of glass.

interfere (v.) 妨礙;衝突;抵觸;干預 . fere- strike

I turned down the radio lest it should interfere his lessons.

interlude (n.) 幕間節目,幕間表演 . lude- play

An interlude is an intervening episode.

interplay (n.) (v.)相互影響;相互作用

Our art teacher wanted us to pay attention to the interplay of light and shadow in the painting.


intra, intro — within「在~之內」/ extro — outward「向外」

mega — 「百萬」/ meta — 超越

intravenous, introspect, introvert, extrovert, megabyte, megalomania, megaphone, metaphysical, metamorphosis, metabolism

intravenous (a.)靜脈內的

intra- inward, within   ven- vein -ous 形容詞字尾

The drug was administered by intravenous injection. 

introspect (v.)內省;自省;反省  intro- within  spect- look

He introspected his misbehavior and apologized to me this morning. 

introvert(n.)內向的人  vert- turn

Bill is not very social and he is an introvert. 

extrovert(n.)外向的人 . extro- outward

They need an extrovert to fill the post of PR Director. 


mega- million

A: How much information does a recordable CD hold?

B: 74 minutes of music, or 650MB of data.

megalomania (n.)自高自大;自大狂

mega- large     mania- insanity

A megalomania always believes in that he or she is more important and powerful than he or she really is.

megaphone (n.)擴音器

The police chief addressed the huge crowd through a megaphone. 

metaphysical (a.)形而上學的;抽象的 . meta- after    

The metaphysical arts are any of the arts which deal with the interaction between the inner mind and the external world.

metamorphosis (n.)變形 . morphosis- formation

A butterfly is produced by metamorphosis from a caterpillar.

She’s undergone quite a metamorphosis since you last saw her.

metabolism (n.)新陳代謝 . bol- throw

This herbal tea can boost your metabolism. 


mis – wrong  / mon – one 

misconduct, misfortune, mislead, misplace, misunderstand, monogamy, monotheism, monotonous, monarch, monocracy

misconduct (n.) 處置錯誤/mis- wrong / conduct- 行為

The doctor was found (裁決) guilty of professional misconduct.

misfortune (n.)不幸 / fortune- 運氣

It’s not fair to take advantage of other people’s misfortune.

mislead (v.)誤導

Too many reports on crimes may mislead people into believing that they are living in a horrible and hopeless society. 

misplace (v.) 把…放錯位置

Some adverbs can cause confusion in a sentence when they are misplaced.

misunderstand (v.)誤解

She misunderstood my question.

monogamy (n.)一夫一妻制/ gamy- marriage / polygamy 

Monogamy has become the norm of a family system in most countries. 

monotheism (n.)一神論;一神教

the- god  ism- …主義或思想的名詞字尾

Islam and Christianity are both monotheism--both recognize only one God. 

monotonous (a.)單調的;枯燥的;無味的 / tone音調 / ous- 形容詞字尾

He spoilt the poem by reading it in a monotonous voice.

monocracy (n.)獨裁政治 /cracy- rule  

Monocracy is a government run by a single person.


neo = new 新式 / oct = eight 八 / omni = all 全

neoclassicism, Neolithic, neologism, octagon, October, octopus, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, omnivorous

neoclassicism (n.)新古典主義

neo- new  classic-古典的  ism-思想或原則的名詞字尾

How does classicism differ from neoclassicism?

Neolithic (a.)新石器時代的 . lith- stone  ic- 形容詞字尾

Neolithic man already used fire to cook food.

neologism (n.)新詞 . log- speak  ism-名詞字尾

The term “user-friendly” is a neologism that has come into everyday speech from the computer industry.

octagon (n.)八邊形;八角形 . octa- eight  

An octagon is a flat shape with eight sides and eight angles.

October (n.)十月

It has been one of the rainiest Octobers for several years.

octopus (n.)章魚

An octopus uses its eight tentacles to hold things.

omnipotent (a.)全能的 . omni- all  / pot-powerful  ent-形容詞字尾

The Christians believe that God is omnipotent.

omnipresent (a.)無所不在的

Divine law is omnipresent.

omniscient (a.)全知的;無所不知的 / sci- know  

The writer employs the third-person omniscient narrator in his new novel.

omnivorous (a.)雜食性的 / vor- eat / ous-形容詞字尾

Cows are herbivorous, lions are carnivorous, but human beings are omnivorous.


pan = all全;每/pent = five五

quadr 亦作quart= four四/thermo = heat

panacea, pandemonium, panorama, pantheism, pantheon, pentagon, quadruple, thermal, thermos, thermostat

panacea (n.)萬靈藥;解決一切弊病的方法 . pan- all,  acea- cure

Panacea means a remedy for all diseases.  

pandemonium (n.)騷亂;大混亂之場所

demon- 惡魔  -ium 表示’場所的名詞字尾

When the winning team returned, there was pandemonium.

pantheism (n.) 泛神論

the- god

He turned from the formal religion to a belief in pantheism.

pantheon (n.) 諸神;眾神廟;萬神殿

Mars, Jupiter, and Vulcan were gods of the Roman pantheon.

pentagon (n.) (幾何)五邊形 ;(the P-)(美國國防部的)五角大廈

gon- angle

American Airlines Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon, sending up a huge plume of smoke.

quadruple (v.) 使成四倍

Profits have quadrupled.

thermal(a.) 保暖的;熱的;熱量的

Thermal underwear help people to keep warm when they are worn in cold weather.

thermos (n.) 熱水瓶,保溫瓶

For people on the go, thermoses are very handy. They can keep your coffee or soup hot, or your water cold.

thermostat (n.) 自動調溫器,恆溫器;溫變自動啟閉裝置 

A thermostat can be set to keep a room at an even temperature by disconnecting and reconnecting a supply of heat when necessary.


alter, alternative, alteration, altruism, altruistic, amateur, amiable, amicable, amity, enamor

alter (v.)修改;改變 . alter- other

The coat has to be altered; it is too large.

alternative 1.(n.)代替方案;可行之路 2.(a.)另外的;非傳統的

1.Because the water in Taiwan is not so safe to use for drinking or cooking, many people rely on the coin operated dispensers for their potable water. They are a cheap alternative to buying bottled water.

2.Wave power and wind power are alternative sources.

alteration (n.)更動;變化

There have been a few alternations to the timetable.

altruism (n.)利他主義

Altruism is selfless concern for the welfare of others. It is a traditional virtue in many cultures, and central to many religious traditions.

altruistic (a.)利他的

Mother Teresa is one of the most altruistic persons of the last century.  .

amateur (a.)業餘的;外行的;不熟練的  am- love

He is an amateur photographer, not a professional one.

amiable (a.)好脾氣的;親切的

The taxi driver is an amiable middle-aged man.

amicable (a.)友好的;和睦的

They have reached an amicable settlement out of court.

amity (n.)友好;和睦

They lived in amity with their neighbors.

enamor (v.) 使傾心;使迷戀

He became enamored of a girl in New York.


anim = 「生命;心靈;心意;精神」

ann , enni = year 「年」

animation, equanimity, magnanimity, unanimous, annals, anniversary, annual, millennium, Anno Domini, perennial

animation (n.) 1.生氣;活潑;興奮 2.卡通動畫  anim- breath, mind

They were full of animation as they talked about their holiday.

Toy Story is a great hit animation.

equanimity (n.)鎮定;平靜 . equ- equal 

No matter what happened, she always maintained her equanimity.

magnanimity (n.)寬大;雅量;高尚 . magn- great

It was magnanimity to overlook his rude behavior.

unanimous (a.)意見一致的;全體一致的 . un- one

Even the most intimate friends, sometimes their opinions are not unanimous at all.

annals (n.)年鑑;年報;編年史 . ann, enn- year

We found the information in the annals of the society.

anniversary (n.)週年紀念 . ver- turn

July 4 is the anniversary of signing the Declaration of Independence.

The Sinon supermarket is holding an anniversary sale. Everything in the store is 20% off. 

annual (a.)每年一次

The seminar is an annual gathering to instruct promising students in writing.

millennium (n.)千年;千福年 . mill- thousand

The bug of the millennium is also called the computer bug of year 2000. 

Anno Domini (adv.)西元

The abbreviation A.D. stands for anno Domini, which literally means “year of our Lord.”

perennial (a.)全年的;永恆的  per- through

The water shortage has been a perennial problem.


anthrop—human 人類

-apt- = 使適合;調整;適應

arch = first, chief, ancient第一;最初;首要;古老

anthropology, misanthrope, philanthropist, apt, aptitude, adapt, archbishop, anarchy, monarch, patriarch

anthropology (n.) 人類學

Anthropology is the science that deals with the origins, physical and cultural development, biological characteristics, and social customs and beliefs of humankind.

misanthrope (n.)厭世者  mis- hate

Only a misanthrope would have such a low opinion of the human race.

philanthropist (n.) 慈善家  phil- love

His father is a philanthropist.

apt(a.) 1. 易於…的 2. 聰明的;反應敏捷的

John is very apt to slander others.

She is apt at dancing.

aptitude (n.) 天資;才能;穎悟

Edison had a great aptitude for inventing new things.

adapt (v.) 使適應;使適合   ad- to

When you go to a foreign country, you must adapt yourself to new manner and customs.

archbishop (n.)大主教 . bishop- 主教

Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales tells of a pilgrimage to the shrine of the archbishop of Canterbury.

anarchy (n.)無政府狀態;混亂 . an- not

After the president died, this country has fallen into an anarchy.

monarch (n.)統治者;帝王 . mon- one

Nowadays the title of the “monarch” only existed in some countries. 

patriarch (n.) 家長;族長 (宗教,企業等的)創始人,元老 德高望重的老人

patri- father

Who is the patriarch of Taiwan’s opposition movement?


-arm- ; -arma(t)—「武裝、武器」

art- = 藝術;技術

dis- = 離開、消除、非、不是

arms, armada, armament, armed, armor, army, alarm, disarm, artifact, artificial

arms (n.)武器;武力(恆用複數)

After three rounds of arms talks, both countries reached an agreement.


 arms talk限武談判

 a savings account儲蓄帳戶

 a sports car跑車

 a salesman業務員

armada (n.)鑑隊

The Spanish Armada sailed to England in 1588.

armament (n.)軍備;兵力;配備

The new-style battle-crafts are equipped with much powerful armament.

armed (a.)武裝的;有…裝備的

They were convicted of armed robbery.

armor (n.)[armour]盔甲

The knight was completely clad in armor.

army (n.)軍隊;陸軍

Our land force is a modern well-equipped army.

alarm (v.)警告;使驚慌 (n.)驚慌;警報

The problem is growing at an alarming rate.

disarm (v.)繳…的械;解除…的武裝  / dis- apart

The police disarmed the criminal.

artifact (n.)人工製品;手工藝品;古文物

My granny enjoys collecting some ancient artifacts.

artificial (a.)人造的;人為的

This drink contains no artificial flavoring or coloring.

※artificial silk人造絲 / artificial flowers人造花


bel = war「戰爭」/ -brevi- 「 短的」/ -car- 「肉;肉體」

belligerent, rebel, rebellion, rebellious, brevity, brief, abbreviation, carnage, carnal, carnival

belligerent (a.)怒氣沖沖的;好鬥的;交戰的 

ger- carry   ent- 形容詞字尾

Nobody likes to deal with John because he is such a belligerent person.

rebel (n.)造反者;叛徒 (v.)反叛

(1) Tom’s always been a bit of a rebel; he hates conforming.

(2) The tribes rebelled against the newly-elected government.

rebellion (n.)叛逆;叛亂

Teenagers might go through a stage of rebellion.

rebellious (a.)反叛的;難以控制的

I can’t tolerate rebellious behavior. 

brevity (n.)短暫;簡潔

Brevity is the soul of wit.

brief (v.)向…做簡報 (a.)簡短的 (n.) 摘要;簡報

(1.) Could you brief me on the terms of this contract?

(2.) In brief, we must cut down on our living expenses.

abbreviation (n.)縮短;縮寫 / ab- to

“Mr.” is the abbreviation of “Mister”.

carnage (n.)大屠殺;殘殺

Carnage refers to the flesh of slain animals or men

carnal (a.)肉體的;肉欲的

Nowadays many of domestic and foreign movies are all full of carnal scenes.

carnival (n.) 狂歡節,嘉年華會(在四旬齋前舉行) 

(1) The world's largest carnival celebration is held in Brazil

(2) Carnival is a festival season and literally means 'farewell to the flesh'.


-cave = hollow / -cert- 「fixed, certain確定的;固定的」

cave, cavity, concave, excavate, excavator, certain, certify, certificate, certainty, ascertain

cave (n.)洞穴 

Our forefathers once lived in caves.

cavity (n.)洞;蛀洞

The dentist filled the cavity.

concave (a.)凹的;凹面的 / con- together

Do you know the differences between convex and concave mirrors and the images they produce? 

excavate (v.) 挖掘(穴、洞等);開鑿;發掘(古物等) / ex- out

They plan to excavate a large hole before putting the foundations.

excavator (n.)發掘者;挖土機

Tracked excavators are sometimes called trackhoes.

certain (a.)確定的

Don’t say anything equivocal; everybody likes to hear certain things.

certify (v.) 確定;保證 / -ify  make

In business, we often use a receipt to certify the completion of reception.

certificate (n.)證明書;執照

Before you can run in the marathon, you need a doctor’s certificate of health.

certainty (n.)確定;確信;確實

On the field of battle there are no certainties.

ascertain (v.)弄清;查明;確定 / as- to

The police are trying to ascertain exactly who was at the party.




-cide- 「kill殺;切」

chronic (a.)慢性的;長期的

The chronic diseases need a long-time treatment for recovery.

chronicle (n.)年代記;編年史 

Every time I visit my grandmother she gives me a chronicle of her complaints.

anachronism (n.)時代錯誤;時代過早或太慢 / ana- against 

It would be an anachronism to speak of George Washington riding in an automobile.

synchronize (v.)使同時

Let’s synchronize our watches.

fratricide (n.)手足相殘 / fater - brother

The Civil War was a form of fratricide, with Americans killing Americans.

herbicide (n.)除草劑

It may be an easy way to get rid of the weeds by spraying herbicides, but it can be harmful to our land.

homicide (n.)殺人;凶殺 / homo sapiens- 人

The police still cannot decide whether the death was the result of suicide or homicide.

insecticide (n.) 殺蟲劑

Most farmers in Taiwan spray insecticide on crops to destroy the abundance of insects before harvest time.

matricide (n.)殺母 mater- mother

Matricide is the murder of a mother by her son or daughter.

patricide (n.)殺父 / pater- father

The psychopath committed patricide and didn’t feel any remorse.

suicide (n.)自殺 su- self

He attempted suicide after his firm had gone bankrupt. 


-claim- = shout喊/-coct-= cook 烹調/-cogn- = know認知 

claim, acclaim, exclaim, exclamation, proclaim, concoct, precocious, cognition, cognizable, recognize

1. claim (v.)要求;聲言;請求

If you take out an insurance policy, you will have the right to claim compensation of damage.

2. acclaim (v.)向...歡呼;為...喝采;稱讚  (n.)喝采;歡呼

The herbal medicine was a much-acclaimed panacea.

The book received considerable critical acclaim.

3. exclaim (v.)呼喊;驚叫;大呼

He exclaimed at the size of the bill.

4. exclamation (n.)叫喊;驚叫;感嘆句

“Good heavens!” is an exclamation of surprise.

5. proclaim (v.)公開宣告;宣布;表明;聲明

Although the two countries had proclaimed to sever diplomatic ties, they still have commercial intercourse now.

6. concoct (v.) 調製;調合

Jean concocted a splendid meal from the leftover.

7. precocious (a.)早熟的;智慧超前的

Her precocious mathematical ability astounded her parents.

8. cognition (n.)認知

You needn’t warn me; I am in full cognition of the facts.

9. cognizable (a.) 可認知的

The word cognizable means capable of being known.

10. recognize (v.)認出;識別

The doctor immediately recognized the child’s symptoms; she had measles. 


-crit- = judge判斷 / -cure-= take care 小心;照顧

1. criterion (n.) 標準;準繩  criteria (複數型)  

What criteria do you use when judging the quality of a student's work?

2. critic (n.) 評論家 judge 

He is a very famous film critic.

3. critical  (adj.) 批判的

Your critical analysis helped me a great deal.

4. criticism (n.)批評

I accepted his criticism of my behavior.

5. criticize (v.) 批評

He criticized her in a very unfair way. 

6. hypercritical (adj.) 苛求的

Hypercritical means excessively critical.

7. accurate (adj.) 正確的

His information was accurate.

8. manicure (n.) 修指甲manual handbook manuscript 

She gave her mom a manicure

9. pedicure (n.) 修腳指甲   

A pedicure is a way to improve the appearance of the feet, and their nails.

10. secure (adj.) 安全的

Now my house is secure against burglary.


concussion, percussion, repercussion, discussion

dermatology, dermatologist, epidermis, dignity, dignify, dignitary

1. concussion (n.)腦震盪con = with  /  cuss =strike打擊  / ion =名詞字尾

The little boy fell out of a window and was taken to hospital suffering from concussion.

2. percussion (n.)打擊樂器;撞擊;碰撞 per = thoroughly  

The drum is a percussion instrument. 

3. repercussion (n.)[行動或事件的]久遠影響;反應 re = back

The president’s death had unexpected repercussions all over the world.

4. discussion (n.)討論;議論 dis = apart

We haven’t made a decision about the new factory yet—the subject is still under discussion.

5. dermatology (n.)皮膚科 derm = skin /  ology = study

Peter made up his mind to major in dermatology.

6. dermatologist (n.)皮膚科醫師 -ist = person

I itch all over; I need to see a dermatologist.

7. epidermis (n.)表皮 epi = upon

Epidermis is the outermost layer of the skin.

8. dignity (n.)尊嚴 dign = worthy

With dignity and pride, he reached the end of his life.

9. dignify (v.)使有尊嚴 -ify = make

Power dignifies a beggar, while diamonds beautify an ugly woman.

10. dignitary (n.)顯貴;要人

Many of the local dignitaries attended the funeral. 



dominate, dominant, domain, predominate, kingdom, donate, donation, donor, dormant, dormitory

1. dominate (v.)支配;統治 dom = rule, tame 

Spain once dominated the seas.

2. dominant (a.)最重要的;顯著的;支配的

The dominant influence in her life was her father.

3. domain (n.)領域

Computer engineering lies outside my domain.

4. predominate (v.)支配;統治;佔優勢 pre = before

In northern areas pine forest predominate over deciduous woodland.

5. donate (v.)捐贈;捐獻 don = give

The philanthropist donates a million dollars to charities every year.

6. donation (n.)捐贈;捐贈物

We are collecting donations for the relief fund.

7. donor (n.)捐贈者

Funding for the orphanage has come mostly from donors.

8. dormant (a.)停止活動的;休眠的 dorm = sleep

Bears lie dormant during the winter.

9. dormitory (n.)學生宿舍 -ory 表地點的名詞字尾

Many students prefer living in dormitories to their parents’ homes.


abduct, conduce, conduct, conductor, deduce, deduct, deduction, seduce, introduce, reduce

abduct (v.)挾持 ab- = away  duct = lead

The rebels abducted several U.N. workers at gunpoint, planning to use them as pawns in negotiation.

conduct (v.)引導  con- = together

A responsible man can conduct a group well.

conductor (n.)導體;列車長;領導者;指揮者

Wood is a poor conductor of heat.

deduce (v.)推論 de- = down   duce = lead

From her accent, I deduced that she must be of German origin.

deduction (n.)推論

We can make deductions about the meaning of a word from its contextual clues.


Health insurance costs and income tax have been deducted from my salary.

seduce (v.)引誘;慫恿 se- = apart 

The warm weather seduced me away from my studies to go for a walk.

introduce (v.)介紹;採用 intro- = inward

It was my younger brother who introduced me to jazz.

reduce (v.)降低;減少;降價 re- = back

He is trying to reduce expenses.


durable, endure, enduring, dynasty, dynamic, dynamite, dynamo, ego, egocentric, egotistic

durable (a.)耐久的 (n.)耐久的物品 dur = hard; last 

Khaki is a durable fabric (that is widely used for uniforms).

endure (v.)忍受;持久en-

How can Jane, a proud woman herself, endure the overbearing ways of her husband?

arrogant  cocky 

enduring (a.)持久不衰的

By willingly leaving the presidency after two terms, George Washington made an enduring contribution to his country.

dynasty (n.)王朝 dyn = power

They overthrew the Ching dynasty and built a republic in 1911.

dynamic (a.)充滿活力的;動力的

Laura is so dynamic that she is able to work during the day and moonlight at night.

dynamite (n.)黃色炸藥 (v.)炸毀

The bridge was blown up with dynamite.

dynamo (n.)發電機;精力充沛的人

Bicycle lights are powered by a dynamo.

He is a dynamo of energy.

ego (n.)自尊;自我 ego = self

The victory was really a boost for my ego.

Super ego  / inferior / build up my confidence / self confidence 

egocentric (a.)自我中心的

Man by nature is egocentric, and thinks mostly of himself.

egotistic (a.) 自我本位的;自負的

An egotistic person won’t get along well with others.


equality, equanimity, equation, equator, equivocal, fend, defend, defendant, defense, offend, offense

equality (n.)平等 equ = equal

Women have long been asking for the equality of the sexes.

equanimity (n.)鎮靜;平靜 anim = mind  -ity 名詞字尾

No matter what happened, she always maintained her equanimity.

equation (a.)等號;方程式

We tend to make an equation between wealth and success. 

equator (n.)赤道

It is very hot near the equator.

equivocal (a.)模稜兩可;含糊的;意義雙關的 voc = call

For goodness’ sake, answer yes or no, but do not be equivocal.

fend (v.) 抵擋;擊退 fend = strike 

She fended off their blows with her arms.

defend (v.) 防禦;保衛;保護 de = down

When the dog came towards me I picked up a stick to defend myself.

defendant (n.)被告

The defendant has pleaded guilty.

defense (n.)[defence] 保衛;防禦;防禦物

He spent most of his life fighting in defense of his country.

offend (v.)冒犯;觸怒

I do not mean to offend you but you have carried it too far.

offense (n.) 罪過;犯法(行為) 

They won’t imprison him for a first offense.


ferry, transfer, offer, prefer, confess, confession, profess, professor, fiction, fictional

ferry (n.)渡船;渡輪 fer = carry

We used to cross the river by ferry but now there’s a bridge.

transfer (v.)調職;換車;轉學 trans = across

We’ll transfer from the bus to the MRT at Taipei Railway Station.

offer (v.)提議;提供

He offered to help her but was turned down.

prefer (v.)寧願;比較喜歡 pre = before

Jenny is a workaholic; she prefers working overtime to playing tennis with her friends.

confess (v.)承認;自認 con = fully /  fess = speak

The cook confessed to his boss that he mistook salt for sugar.

confession (n.)招認;招供

Catholics periodically go to confession to be forgiven for their sins.

profess (v.)自稱;冒充;公開表示 pro = publicly 

She professes not to be interested in money.

professor (n.)教授

Professor Smith is a famous historian.

fiction (n.)小說;胡謅 fict = feign

His account of the murder was a complete fiction.

fictional (a.)虛構的;小說的;想像的

The characters in this movie are fictional.


fidelity, confide, confidant, confidence, confident, confidential, finale, finalize, finite, infinite


fidelity (n.)忠誠;忠實;翔實;精確 fid = trust

The soldier showed the fidelity to his leader.

confide (v.)透露;交托 con- = fully

May I confide something to you?

confidant (n.)親信;心腹;密友 -ant 表示人的名詞字尾

The secretary is the Mayor’s confidant, and knows all of the Mayor’s secrets. 

confidence (n.)信任

You’ll succeed if you have confidence in yourself.

confident (a.)有自信的

I am confident of your abilities.

confidential (a.)保密的;機密的

Teachers are required to keep students’ records completely confidential.

finale ( n.)尾聲;終曲 fin = end

The symphony is drawing to a close, and entering the grand finale.

finalize (v.)確定;結束

After months of negotiation, the contract was finalized last week.  

finite (a.)有限的

We have finite resources on earth.

infinite (a.)無邊無際的;極大的 in- = not

The universe is infinite. 


flexible, inflexible, flexibility, deflect, reflect, reflex, conflict, infliction, afflict, affliction

flexible (a.)有彈性的 flex = bend

My schedule is flexible. In other words, we can meet any time you like.

inflexible (a.)不可彎曲的;堅定的 ;沒有彈性的

You will never get him to change his mind; he is so inflexible.

flexibility (n.)靈活性;彈性

Practicing yoga can improve your flexibility.

deflect (v.)使轉向;擋開 de- = away  / flect = bend

The bullet struck a wall and was deflected from its course.

reflect (v.)反射;反映 re- = back

The still water reflected the full moon.

reflex (v.)反射的 (n.)反射作用

The doctor hit my knee with a hammer to test my reflexes.

conflict (n.)衝突;抵觸;爭論 (v.)同…衝突;同…抵觸【常與介詞with並用】

flict = strike

The two parties have been in conflict since the election.

infliction (n.) 施加;施加的事物(如痛苦,苦難,負擔,懲罰等)

He seems to delight in the infliction of pain.

afflict (v.) 使痛苦,使苦惱,折磨 af- = ad- = to

The poor old man was afflicted with diabetes.

affliction (n.)痛苦;苦惱;不幸

We sympathize with people in affliction.